Spent and am still spending countless hours playing this alone and with friends. It's a great game, with a very, very shitty community overall.

Played it for quite a while, but I've dropped it for now. I'd love to come back to it when more content is released.
I just really, really wish it wasn't a Gatcha. Like, I'd pay full price of a game to play it, no problem. I like the story, the visuals, the characters, but WHY did it have to be a Gatcha? Events with limited items and story events I can never see for myself are really frustrating, too.

It was a really fun game to play with friends, especially during the pandemic. But it has run its course if you ask me

Still fun to revisit every once in a while, but I can't get myself to play this continuously. The lore bits are especially fun.

Weirdly addicting little game I get a little too obsessed over every once in a while.

Very fun game, especially in co-op.

Would play this again instantly if new content comes out.

Bought it as a joke to voice-over with a friend and had a STUPID amount of fun with it, still intend to finish this one one day.

I see the potential, I UNDERSTAND why people would love it, but I just couldn't ever fully get into it. Still open to try it again.

Little bit embarrassed about this one. But uhm... no, idle games are not for me. Not because I don't like them, because they're stupidly addicting for the wrong reasons. Numbers go brr and all, but it's all I can ever think about and NO I REFUSE, NO MORE

Very little to it but fun to play together

First Elder scrolls game and therefore, it remains a favourite. It's mostly nostalgia though, I think.

The best Elder Scrolls experience I've had so far, but also where I stopped... for no real reason really?