My love for this one grows every day. I'll 100% it one day.

Amazing soundtrack to have a rhythm game for.

An ACTUALLY great work-out game! finishing this one, one day.

This one was really, really good. If only it looked a little prettier.

People want to see Prime return.... But this is what I wanted, and my gods was it good.

The weird thing is that this does not feel like a Xenoblade game, but it was so damn good. Spent 100s of hours on this as a teen, and would love to revisit it soon. Switch rerelease when? I'm not asking for much :)

Recently gave it another try and it's aged a bit, but it is such a fun game. I love the universe and I can only dream of some kind of sequel.

Silly little game that's surprisingly fun. Creates the weirdest pairs, drama and situations.

This was fun for a bit, but I was clearly not the target audience anymore even back in the day. Then I discovered its other purpose... hehe.

Amazing game, but Brawl has more nostalgia linked to it for me.

Man, seeing this really unlocked some hidden childhood memories.

My most played Smash bros. game to date, this game fills me with joy every time I even think of it. The Subspace Emissary was so great, too.

Honestly, liked it a lot for what it was.