Log Status






Time Played

22h 44m

Days in Journal

7 days

Last played

February 26, 2024

First played

February 8, 2024

Platforms Played


Not too long ago, I posted a review on this website expressing my initial disinterest in the original Final Fantasy VII (FF7). I found the gameplay cumbersome, with slow movements and lackluster fights/animations. Despite the captivating story, I struggled to continue playing. However, on the 8th of February 2024, I made the decision to give the game one last chance.

I played through it, completed it, and now I adore and cherish it.

Personally, the game still has significant flaws in my eyes. I'm not fond of the random encounters or the turn-based combat mechanics, which don't align with my preferences. Call me crazy, but it's just my personal taste. Thus, I finished the game with a mixture of “No Random Encounters” and during Random Encounters the “Unlimited Limit” Mode.

This approach allowed me to finally experience the game fully, a decision I'm glad I made. I also played the game entirely in Japanese, which enhanced the experience for me. Each character's unique language nuances, conveyed through clever combinations of Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji, and pronouns, added depth and personality to the game.

I think that I can't add anything to the discourse of this specific game, because everything has surely been said already. But let me at least say this:

If, like me, you struggle to engage with FF7 due to similar reasons, I urge you to persist and finish it. Skip battles, consult a guide, do whatever it takes. You'll find it immensely rewarding once you've completed the journey. It's absolutely worth it.