Pizza tower is one of the best video games from last year full stop. It creativity is through the roof with its different power, ups, locales, and just the art style itself. the level design is near perfection. The challenges feel rewarding and challenging. The music is bangers, the whole Ost belongs in a museum for how good it is. If your waiting on this game don't, you will never regret it.

Amazing game I loved the World and the storyline. The first part was kinda slow and its not for everybody but its my personal Favorite Game of all time

I really liked Spider-Man 2, even with its inherit flaws. I gotta say loved the gameplay. Insomniac really just makes you feel .... amazing while these games. from the web-slinging to the fluid combat its pretty great and why I have it ranked so highly. The story is a bit iffy. I felt they could have gone more with the symbiote and peter stuff, he's definitely no bully McGuire . It kind of feels like they're scared for peter to be mean with few exceptions. The endgame feels a little too out there for me, but it kind of makes sense. I liked miles story well enough and how he grows. The music's pretty great. The side stuff can be boring when it comes to playing it ( the robot birds.) but I like the story stuff they do with it. Kraven was cool. Anyways this was a pretty great game, I feel i got my $70 bucks worth... but the original is still better i'm sorry.

Pretty good its just minecraft. A lot of nostalgia But the game overall is good

Really great, Liked almost everything about this game and the twists I never saw coming

really Great puzzles made my head spin and story was superb. Multiplayer is also really good. overall amazing game and I miss old valve.

its just fifa i wasn't expecting a lot but its the same stuff different disk

Amazing game, back in 2017 the hype was unreal and it lived up to it and more. It had creative levels, great movement, amazing music, I don't have anything bad to say about it if you haven't played do yourself a favor and do so

Mr.Driller ain't going to blow your socks away but it is good for what it is just a simple puzzle game. soundtrack has some bops, the gameplay was pretty addicting when your on a streak dodging death, and the ps5's rewind feature is amazing for this type of game but the lack of variety kinda hurts it Just drill endlessly. Overall a very enjoyable game but not one you keep going back too after you beat the arcade mode.

This is Indiana jones the game. The story isn't that great, sometimes it felt like too many shooting sections, the jetski is obviously horrible, and the puzzles just aren't puzzles. but i wouldn't go too far to ask why this got a sequel, the shooting is decent , the climbing was interesting enough but what really sold this game was the character interactions. good game obviously shouldn't skip because your playing the Nathan drake collection, it's right there. and also the sequels better but that's a give in.