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DumpyCrumpet is now playing Pacific Drive

5 days ago

11 days ago

11 days ago

11 days ago

DumpyCrumpet earned the Noticed badge

17 days ago

24 days ago

DumpyCrumpet played Honkai: Star Rail - Into the Yawning Chasm
Fun fact: 99% of gamblers quit just before they're about to hit it big

24 days ago

DumpyCrumpet earned the Well Written badge

24 days ago

DumpyCrumpet reviewed Pokémon Legends: Arceus
VERY enjoyable for the first 40 hours or so I put into it, however it became a slog for the next 40 as I worked to completely the post game content and complete the pokedex for the full ending.

1 month ago

DumpyCrumpet finished Pokémon Legends: Arceus
VERY enjoyable for the first 40 hours or so I put into it, however it became a slog for the next 40 as I worked to completely the post game content and complete the pokedex for the full ending.

1 month ago

DumpyCrumpet commented on chandler's review of Sonic Adventure
I always wanted to do Tekken style combos to people who say anything in the lines of "Sonic had a rough transition into 3D"

1 month ago

DumpyCrumpet is now playing Peaks of Yore

1 month ago

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