The new DLC is 20 fucking dollars, double the price for less content than they gave in Payday 2 DLCs. Honestly, fuck you Overkill. You've completely lost the faith of a fan who's been playing Payday since 2013. I'm done.

Deep Rock Galactic meets SCP Containment Breach, with half the charm and none of the fun. Almost seems intentionally boring, and I don't have the wherewithal to pretend that the clips my friends show me are funny either. I guess I'm just not the target audience.

Haha, so funny! So quirky! What garbage. Seriously, a buggy mess of a game that the developers won't fix because that's part of this game's "quirkyness". Everything about it is garbage.

Maybe if Vaati looked for the Triforce instead of the Light Force he would have won

Genuine garbage. Cannot fathom how Capcom went from RE4 to this shit. Only redeeming factor was playing the whole thing co-op, and even that couldn't save this from being absolutely miserable.

Peak musou experience, especially for a Zelda lover such as myself.

"Peace is boring, violence goes viral"
Jeez man, maybe make it less subtle so more people get the point.

Bought this at a convention because I love K-On. I have spent a lot of time playing this game and still do. Tons of fun with cute interactions between the characters you know and love.

Some really frustrating and annoying levels and fights. Cute and Funny though.

One of those games that's great for filling the time when I'm going to bed in an hour and want to play something that will pass the time quickly but isn't intense or stressful. Hoping it becomes a fuller experience with updates as it seems like it would get boring if I played it for hours every day right now.

VERY enjoyable for the first 40 hours or so I put into it, however it became a slog for the next 40 as I worked to completely the post game content and complete the pokedex for the full ending.

Fun fact: 99% of gamblers quit just before they're about to hit it big

Played for about an hour. I'll start with what I liked. The rumble with the DualSense is great, I'm super impressed by the art and how this game was made by the ground up with it's own engine. The items are interesting and give some depth to traversal. Now onto what I don't like. The game is dull. I never looked forward to what the next room could be and sometimes even dreaded what could be coming next with how frustrating some of the rooms are. Once I closed the game I felt no desire to play this anymore. The world itself is beautiful but there is nothing that encourages me to explore it. 25 bucks is a lot for this experience. There's plenty of cheaper, more engaging and interesting "metroidvanias" out there.

This game is full of disingenuous reviews from Dunkey's fans. You can't have a real discussion about this game without terrible jokes from his video about the game. I keep seeing people refer to this as Dunkey's game, both individuals and large journalist companies. Dunkey did noting but throw money at this game. Please check out the actual dev