10/10 game. Excellent story, characters, music and gameplay. Joel and Ellie’s relationship is beautiful and the entire cast gives an incredible performance. Kept me hooked in a way no other story game ever has. A new favourite definitely.

A beautiful, emotional prologue to the main game's heroine. The full extent of Ellie and Riley's relationship is never made abundantly clear but what is blindingly obvious is the love they hold for each other and I adored it. I would've preferred if they had just left it as the flashback sections rather than Ellie's journey through the mall, but even then I can't complain as it is an extra chance to play through even more of The Last of Us' excellent combat. It is a testament to the main game that this was the first time I was genuinely stumped by a puzzle as the main games' puzzles were easy to figure out but didn't treat you like an idiot. An excellent expansion, one that I will revisit on future playthroughs of TLoU.

the definitive newgen boomer shooter.