7.5/10, my definition of a flawed masterpiece

I really liked BL 2 when I was younger, but for God's sake, I can't push myself to finish this game. the bad jokes, the repetitive gameplay, I'm just so tired of it all.

"... She was taken from me. Do you know what that feels like yet?... An American torched the warehouse for insurance money. 11,000 dollars, that was the value they placed on her life. She was the reason for me to live. What about you, David? What drives you? Is it me?... Einstein once said the economic anarchy of capitalism is the real source of evil. Your father, and his people, took Josefina from me. Pues... tu papa esta muerto. Your father is dead. And his people... finished!" - Raúl Menéndez

If we people of the developed world do not learn the true consequences of our actions aboard, where we inflict and fund the suffering of our fellow man, Raul will be there to greet us. True evil will face against true evil, and the good will be dragged down by the wrestling of men who are dead to all that is pure. The "absurd materialism" that the sad old man speaks about, was in all truth, spawned from American ideals and was birthed out of selfishness. I do not wish for any form of socialism or communism, the suffering of others will only increase inasmuch, but if I do not cast away things of the world, and turn to something that transcends it all, society in its modern form, is doomed.
I do believe that Doestoyesky is right in the reckoning of beauty and love, these things of God will save the world, but only if our actions and words show it. May God forgive us for all that we have done to humanity, my government's actions to humanity... Maybe we can redeem ourselves, but that is in the real world, and we must do good in order for that to happen.

The words: "I will see you one year from now. Study Ulysses... and be ready" Speak one octave truer, as 2025 is soon to be upon us. Let us then not slaughter each other like ravenous wolves on the 19th day of June, but remember with sorrow the lives that slavery, in its ancient and modern forms, has taken. And then look to the future, though black it will probably be, can still be salvaged if our hearts are pure in love and humility.

A david lynch movie makes more sense than the story, a simple mind had to create that.

Zombies is pretty good though (which is why I have so much time in this game)

If I wanted to watch a 10-minute cutscene, I would just watch a movie.

still haven't finished, The ending area with the tanker is so tedious, I will someday finish this game, but for what it is, I love it, though deeply flawed. New Vegas still reigns supreme in the fallout world, but the classics are close to F:NV's perfection. The classics did begin the series and have the best aesthetic of all the games, and I do love the gameplay, even when it is downright unfair at times, and frustrating. But when I do finish this game, I will have completed a goal I have been wanting to complete since I was a kid.

A murder mystery where everyone acts mentally challenged, David Cage is the biggest hack in the entire gaming industry, and no one can convince me otherwise.