Not a very good sequel. The first one was much more fun and the simple combat is what kept me playing.
It's shelved for now... but probably forever

It's a really fun game, the kind you play to relax and have a good laugh.
The mechanics are very simple and the difficulty is almost non-existent, but if you know the premise and what South Park is really about, you won't mind and you'll just play for fun.

The story is as generic as it can get, the combat is really repetitive and there is no depth to the characters. It's the type of game you play wondering "when this is going to end?".
It is now shelved and, honestly, I don't think I will ever going back to finish it (even though I've reached the last chapter).

If you are going to play expecting a Yakuza-like game, I am sorry, but you will only get disappointed.
The mechanics are pretty much the same, containing sub-stories that are completely crazy and some may even make you laugh, but the story and the characters are not well build as in Yakuza, and you just don't give a damn about anything actually..


Get ready for one of the biggest challenges you've ever experienced in a video game, because this game is something else.
The mechanics work, it is kind of fun in the beginning and when you learn the correct way to play it. However, the extreme difficulty and also the lack of variety of some levels can infuriate you and you might just don't stop wondering "when this game is going to end?".

The topic and atmosphere were very well built. However, the gameplay is all focused on you getting away, which can make the game rather tedious.

My first souls game, and now I am addicted and ready for the others!
Amazing game, a really nice remake, it runs well, it works well and it is faithful to the original.
A must play for PS+ and PS5 owners.

Great Souls game, with an unique lore and amazing combat system.
If you have a PS4/PS5 and is a fan of Souls game, don't waste anymore time.