I definitely enjoyed this game but it felt like a spin off more than the next big entry it's definitely a step up in terms of technology. But I felt like alot of things ended up under developed like the side characters. You can read messages of Alex spending time with other characters but she never really spends much time with them but when she does it's pretty good. I feel like they also gave Alex alot of develop but at the same time they should have explored more of her past especially the stuff hinted at in messages. It feels like there's not much going on after the first chapter. I would finish a chapter and think about if I really did much. I think there's alot of potential with the set up and the cast but it disappoints in that regard. I am left feeling a little disappointed because it could have been so much more and it had the benefit of not having to release over a span of time. I enjoyed what I got but wish for more. I'd definitely recommend this to people who already like life is strange but this definitely isn't for people who don't like the writing and themes of previous games.

This was so much flarking fun. I am in shock at how much I enjoyed this game. I found the writing and story incredibly fun and I found the combat fun aswell. I think the combat would have gotten repetitive for me if the game was any longer but I thought it was perfect for what the game is going for. The writing aswell just made me happy with alot of the jokes working and the dialogue while walking was a fun addition adding life to the game. At I first I found star lord's voice a bit off putting but it grew on me and I thought it was perfect for this star lord the whole cast was perfect. I definitely think they made the characters much better than the movies especially with Drax probably being my favourite guardian now. This also really felt like a cinematic game like it had a grand feeling to it. There's definitely some problems with it especially technical problems I presume because I was playing on xbox one but the only issues really was audio cutting out. I was generally shocked by how well it ran on xbox one though. I'd definitely recommend this game to anyone especially if you currently have game pass. This really feels like the next generation of games to me which I haven't felt since playing the last of us part 2 at launch. I hope there will be a sequel because I desperately want more but that looks unlikely definitely my 2021 game of the year

I'm always interested by fmv games so I decided to download this when I got game pass. I think it's an interesting game with how it's structured but it didn't overly feel satisfying to play. I would at sometimes get intrigued during my 2 hour playtime but it would be hard to find out more from a specific plot point so I'd just click around randomly. I am happy though I never felt like there was nothing to do except from the start were I was completely lost. I'd recommend if you have game pass as it is around 2 hours but it didn't stand out as anything special to me.

After playing shredder's revenge I was excited to play this but I don't know if this is just what other beat um ups are like but it felt really slow and clunky. I just wasn't enjoying playing it so I decided to drop it.

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Yes I cried at rikiya's death so what

This definitely didn't resonate with me because this is my 7th castlevania game in a year but I still enjoyed it. I love the first couple with the first being my favourite because it was an important gaming experience to me and immediately afterwards played 3, 4 and bloodlines in like 3 days. But since I've played so many and this being my 3rd metroidvania type castlevania game they all feel similar to me. I do still enjoy castlevania though and the series has definitely had an impact on me. I do play castlevania more as a background game while I watch YouTube because I find it super chilling.

I brought the bayonetta1 and 2 bundle for switch 4 years and in that time I played the 1st game twice and the 2nd 1 and a half times and I've finally finished bayonetta 2 (with my full playthrough taking 4 days). I think I still prefer the first game but this is definitely an improvement in every way. My favourite part was probably alot of the fight choreography and the over the top set pieces.

Hella cool. I would have gave this a 3 and a half but the ending was amazing, did not expect that. I played this on easy which I'm happy I did because I would have got my ass kicked on normal. I think this aged better than expected but certain things didn't especially the water sections. They can go to hell. I wish there was more cutscenes because what was there was incredible. I definitely think this is worth playing especially with it's short length and it only taking me 5 hours.

Great game. Accidentally deleted my last review and can't be bothered to write another.

These games leave me emotionally drained and thinking they're masterpieces. The last 5 hours of this game is probably one of the best endings to a game and the last 30 minutes were something else. I have got to say this didn't have me fully sold on it until the end especially with gameplay and the small amount of cutscenes in the first 2 acts. I think would be a 5 star if not for this. But the gameplay was pretty good it did feel a little easy on normal with nothing really challenging me and most times I got spotted I could just run past enemies or just die and reset it but dying was hard. The the end boss fight is one of the best bosses I've played and the boss and volden were cool providing a slight challenge but the others didn't stand out to me. But I'm talking about a metal gear game so again I think this is a masterpiece and I'd probably appreciate alot of the game more on a replay. The cutscenes were also amazing in this one. Excited to play 4.

Two old people beating each other up. What else could you ask for except for better representations of women.

The perfect compliment to snake eater. The story and how it develops the characters especially the boss and big boss is great and the new characters were superb. Overall the story is on point with the rest of the series with it being shorter based on main ops purely and it's less expansive. My main problem is the grind it took to unlock the final mission which took around 3 to 4 hours for me but it was worth it to witness the end. David Hayter probably gave his best performance as snake making it a shame that he got replaced in the next. Probably the weakest game I've played in the series so far but it's a metal gear game so even if it's weaker it's still amazing.

Please Konami put this on modern platforms with mgs1 and guns of the patriots so people don't have to buy a ps3 to play one the greatest game series of all time

I would rate this hire because I actually enjoyed playing it but then the ending was comedically bad