49 Reviews liked by Elijahyar21

Mario and Luigi are heading in the Mushroom Kingdom to have a picnic with Princess Peach]

Bowser: (laughs)

Mario: Nice of the princess to invite us over for a picnic, eh, Luigi?

Luigi: I hope she made lots of spaghetti!

Mario: Luigi, look! [finds a note and reads it] It's from Bowser. "Dear pesky plumbers, the koopalings and I have taken over the Mushroom Kingdom. The princess is now a permanent guest at one of my seven Koopa hotels. I dare you to find her if you can!" We gotta find the princess!

Luigi: (to player) And you gotta help us!

Mario: If you need instructions on how to get through the hotels, check out the enclosed instruction book.

First hotel
[The brothers arrive at the first hotel]

Mario: Looks kinda peaceful.

Luigi: Looks are deceiving when koopas are involved.

Hotel secret
[Mario stands under a pipe and ends up being sucked into another place and lands on his butt]

Mario: Uh-oh! Ow! Oof! (coughs) Where am I?

First hotel beaten/second hotel
[Morton jumps out and runs off while Mario and Luigi jump out while the tree sprouts fruit and see the princess on a branch]

Mario: Hey, princess!

[The branch breaks]

Peach: Oh!

[Peach falls and is caught by Roy who takes her to the next hotel]

Luigi: How are we gonna find the princess, with the power going out?

Mario: Maybe there's a switch in one of the rooms. Remind me to check.

[The brothers head towards the hotel]

Source of problem found
Mario: Oh-ho! Here's the problem, too many toasters. You know what they say, [holds up a bread container saying "Bowser's sourpuss bread"] all toasters... toast toast! [Unplugs the toasters that the power comes back on]

Second hotel beaten/ third hotel
[The Marios are outside The second hotel putting up a condemned sign]

Mario: That oughta do it.

[Peach is on a pipe]

Peach: Oh!

[The pipe sucks her in]

Mario: Where'd she go?

[Luigi point to a cave titled "Larry's cave hotel" with a subtitle "This mine is mine"]

Mario: Gee, it's kinda dark.

Luigi: You bring a light?

Mario: No.

Luigi: Well maybe, a koopa will lend us his, if we persuade him.

Hotel beaten/4th hotel
[Mario and Luigi make it out in time before the cave exploded]

Peach: Mario!

Mario: Get ready to catch her!

Luigi: She's not coming down!

Mario: She's up there.

[Luigi kicks a block with a exclamation point and a beanstalk grows out]

Mario: It's hard to see through those clouds. I hope we can get rid of them, get the hint?

Biggest fan
[Mario finds a button under "I'm your biggest fan"]

Mario: Oh-ha!

[Mario pushes the button and it turns on a fan that blows the clouds away]

5th hotel
[Mario and Luigi escape with the princess and turn on the fan]

Mario: Hey, you! Get off of my cloud!

[The fan blows the cloud hotel and Lemmy away and the princess vanishes]

Mario: It's been one of those days. Come on Luigi.

[The brothers arrive at the next hotel]

Mario: We ain't afraid of no koopa.

[The door disappears]

Luigi: Woah.

[The door reappears]

Mario: Hurry!

Ghost cologne
[Mario enters a bathroom]

Mario: Ah-ha! [grabs a bottle of ghost cologne] Maybe this will keep that lizard king from playing with the doors. [begins spraying himself]

New hotel
[Mario and Luigi make it out in time before the castle crumbles]

Mario: Spooky. Where's the princess?

Luigi: Over there! Look, Wendy's hotel!

Mario: Be careful. When you pinch Wendy's pennies, they pinch back.

Real coins
[Mario breaks a piggy bank with a hammer]

Mario: So, this is where Wendy's hid the real coins!

Final hotel
[Mario and Luigi escape the casino hotel]

Mario: That wasn't so hard, was it?

[The casino hotel disappears]

Peach: Boys!

[She vanishes and Bowser's laugh is heard]

Luigi: That's that creepy Bowser's laugh.

Mario: Look!

[The brothers arrive at the final hotel]

Mario: This is it, Luigi. Remember, where there's smoke,

Luigi: There's fire.

[Mario, Luigi and Peach make their escape]

Peach: Thanks to you two, I can safely rule the kingdom free from the terrible koopaling clan. [kisses Mario and Luigi] (to player) and my thanks to you too.

Mario, Luigi and Peach: You're the best player ever!

don't listen to that video with the weird moon on the thumbnail, play this version

Woke propaganda that teaches players to pick men as their sexual partners

Replayed this for the sake of nostalgia and its themes of accepting your own death resonate with me even more now because this account is dying on May 27th, 2024

Why would I want to fight a street? This country’s infrastructure is bad enough as it is, destroying a street is just going to make it worse

at what point is too far for technology

the kind of game a villain would create, in order to enact schemes

What the actual fuck did I just experience?

Has the vibe of a fake game used as a one off joke in a Nickelodeon sitcom except it was real software intended to show off the capabilities of a new handheld

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Maya: Hey Nick, who are your guests?
Phoenix: Huh? 🤨
Vergil: https://youtu.be/Jrg9KxGNeJY?si=s5XCC8hV8Rt0xzBE
Dante: Hello dear, what's your name?
Morrigan: I'm a succubus
Dante: 😮
Dante: Cool, I have demonic powers too
Akuma: https://youtu.be/f50VgPLaLcw?si=reTm2inDviB6iYpa
Zero: "X, listen, Sigma hasn't arrived at the party yet"
Frank West: 📸😀👆
Maya: Nick I'm scared 😥
Phoenix: I should take a vacation
Edgeworth: Hello Phoenix
Phoenix: https://youtu.be/pQHZKEXtXL0?si=uabzLmLp5CFkK2_A

Like if you would cut your own salary to give Gumshoe a raise.

Chapter One
A child ran off from their village, filled with rage. A petty kind of anger; one that the child would have all but forgotten about the next time you saw them. This next time would never come, though. The child disappeared and in their place stood a Destroyer.

Chapter Two
The village seemed different. Strange new people kept showing up, with pig shaped masks covering their eyes. On the surface, they went about their business and chatted like any other villager but the more mind you paid them, the more their words rang hollow. Their thoughts and jokes seemed inorganic; mass produced even. As these Pigmasks gathered in the village, the original people there felt alienated. An old man, once known for his insights and his sharp wit would get angrier and angrier, lashing out at those around him and eventually leaving. More villagers would follow suit, some of them against their will, as this community they saw as a safe haven to share things they couldn’t share anywhere else slowly but surely became part of that “anywhere else.”
Were these Pigmasks to blame for everything? Or was it merely a case of things that always infested the community finally bubbling up to the surface? And what of the Destroyer, a one-time villager, now hailed as the champion of the Pigmasks?

Chapter Three
A monkey walked through a forest with boxes on their back; head and torso fighting a fierce battle to not fall and hit the ground. This grueling process eventually became routine and the monkey’s body eventually went on autopilot. They had all this time to think about if they’ll ever move past this task and if they’ll ever have a purpose.
Did the Destroyer have the same thoughts in this same forest?

Chapter Four
Another village child was not unlike the one who would become the Destroyer. In fact, you could say that these two village children were a single entity; two sides of the same coin. The Destroyer was the head of this coin, facing up and always the topic of conversation from those who saw this “face.” The tail, stuck to the ground, reveled in the attention the head received. They took glee in seeing friends talk about the Destroyer without any clue of its relation to the one standing near them. They searched for other villagers’ words on this mysterious Destroyer and snuck into houses to see them: the praise, the insults, the natural discussions surrounding this new “symbol” of the village.
This was not healthy for the village child. But still, could you blame them? This sensation of feeling important, even if that importance was just a niche micro-celeb in a small village, was much more comforting than the cold reality of meaning nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Chapter Five
A Pigmask working in a tower was a big fan of a rock band. They were utterly awestruck at the sight of that band’s merchandise on the man that entered the tower earlier that day and could not talk about anything other than that band: expressing their love of the band’s work, idolizing the ones behind it as supposedly great people, and elevating the band to some moral paragon because of milquetoast political opinions in its songs.
The Destroyer was in the tower too, watching this Pigmask’s conversation with mere apathy if not active contempt.

Chapter Six
Sometimes, ghosts of the past appear as reminders of what will never come back.

Chapter Seven
The Destroyer pulled a needle out of the ground and felt nothing. They pulled quite a bit of these needles before but something was different this time. The act was now done only out of some perceived obligation; to the Pigmasks and villagers cheering on or to the fake images of hearts that result from the act. It was time for the last needle to be pulled.

Chapter Eight
The Destroyer laid on the ground motionless as its tail pulled the final needle on its behalf. Its supposed stardom was crushed into not even half a star.
It’s over.

Has it ever happened to you that you're working on a sequel to your 2D handheld platformer for a beloved and iconic IP, and everything is going great because you're fixing a bunch of problems the first game had and designing really cool movement tech and levels that are fun to play, but this guy you don't know keeps sneaking in at night and programming the most dogshit bosses imaginable and adding bottomless pits to ruin all of your levels? What do you mean you gotta collect seven rings in a zone to unlock the special stage AND it's the worst one in the whole entire series!? Somebody needs to stop this guy!!

aw come on what the heck? bottomless pits galore and some of the worst bosses in the sonic franchise make this a pretty smelly title. i also just hate how sonic looks on the cover art. come on guys.