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EmCavee completed Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction
Ya know.....This game is....not bad???? It suffers from being explicitly an action game, and the stealth is secondary. But the action is fun???

The story is mostly bad but it has a lot of moments that still hit, which is actually very funny considering up until this point, the stories have been so useless to the games.

5 days ago

EmCavee wants NieR

6 days ago

EmCavee completed NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...
Still running through the other endings so I am still playing it, however I got to the first ending so I'm reviewing anyway.

This game is so fucking good and I love basically everything about it. Storyline, gameplay (most of the time), movement, world, etc.

The only thing I can safely say I was disappointed by were the bossfights and camera. There's moments where I get screwed over by the camera angle zooming out during a bossfight leading to me either dying or missing the attack that is needed in order to fully kill a boss.

Another bossfight related problem to me is exclusively a skill issue, but I wish the game was more forgiving with health items. Some of the areas can be kinda like boss rushes.

Combat does get repetitive after a while but I found myself getting back into it after a while even if I had found it dull for a short period of time.

6 days ago

EmCavee completed Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Version 2 is weird, it's a lot closer to Chaos Theory in terms of gameplay and the levels are set up a lot better in my opinion. I do love the HUD in this game even if it's a little jank. Something I missed a lot in Version 1.

However, even though the story is the thing I care about the least....How do they make it significantly more inconsistent and filled with plotholes? It's kinda insane.

Though, one thing I do appreciate is how this version is visually much darker and in that sense more of what I want from these games.

The levels in this one are significantly better than V.1 and in that sense I do prefer this over V.1 a ton and would actually consider this among the best of the series.

8 days ago

8 days ago

EmCavee completed Garry's Mod

8 days ago

8 days ago

EmCavee completed Left 4 Dead

8 days ago

8 days ago

8 days ago

EmCavee completed Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent
A pretty janky, flawed game that offers some unique ideas. If I had anything to criticize here, the gameplay is watered down compared to the previous games. The story is probably the worst here out of any game in the Splinter Cell series, being super inconsistent and dumb.

Edgy vibes overall, I don't hate it. But it's a huge step down from Chaos Theory. Though as of now it's literally #2 in my replay ratings.

9 days ago

9 days ago

EmCavee completed Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Essentials
Atleast the game was very short. Because goddamn...

So firstly, the fact this game precedes Double Agent and manages to just spoil a shitload of important things from it is insane, but it's not like the stories really matter in these games to me personally, they're uninteresting and I'm really only here for the gameplay and levels.

So uh...How WAS the gameplay? Uhh......Hah...Uh yeah. So. This type of game just doesn't translate to PSP. Though it totally could've benefit from having a camera that can adjust automatically or follow you rather than having an obnoxious control scheme.

Combat in this game is worse than it was in any of the other games and that for some reason especially says a lot. There's a lot of downgrades compared to previous games so stealth is much less open and you can no longer handle a situation like you could in Chaos Theory.

Sure, argue all you want "It's a PSP game" and yes, while that is true, you could still easily bring specific gameplay systems and build original maps and an original and unique story on PSP. But this game has none of that.

So far, out of my Splinter Cell series replay; this and Pandora Tomorrow are the worst.

10 days ago

10 days ago

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