Ya know.....This game is....not bad???? It suffers from being explicitly an action game, and the stealth is secondary. But the action is fun???

The story is mostly bad but it has a lot of moments that still hit, which is actually very funny considering up until this point, the stories have been so useless to the games.

Still running through the other endings so I am still playing it, however I got to the first ending so I'm reviewing anyway.

This game is so fucking good and I love basically everything about it. Storyline, gameplay (most of the time), movement, world, etc.

The only thing I can safely say I was disappointed by were the bossfights and camera. There's moments where I get screwed over by the camera angle zooming out during a bossfight leading to me either dying or missing the attack that is needed in order to fully kill a boss.

Another bossfight related problem to me is exclusively a skill issue, but I wish the game was more forgiving with health items. Some of the areas can be kinda like boss rushes.

Combat does get repetitive after a while but I found myself getting back into it after a while even if I had found it dull for a short period of time.

Version 2 is weird, it's a lot closer to Chaos Theory in terms of gameplay and the levels are set up a lot better in my opinion. I do love the HUD in this game even if it's a little jank. Something I missed a lot in Version 1.

However, even though the story is the thing I care about the least....How do they make it significantly more inconsistent and filled with plotholes? It's kinda insane.

Though, one thing I do appreciate is how this version is visually much darker and in that sense more of what I want from these games.

The levels in this one are significantly better than V.1 and in that sense I do prefer this over V.1 a ton and would actually consider this among the best of the series.

A pretty janky, flawed game that offers some unique ideas. If I had anything to criticize here, the gameplay is watered down compared to the previous games. The story is probably the worst here out of any game in the Splinter Cell series, being super inconsistent and dumb.

Edgy vibes overall, I don't hate it. But it's a huge step down from Chaos Theory. Though as of now it's literally #2 in my replay ratings.

Atleast the game was very short. Because goddamn...

So firstly, the fact this game precedes Double Agent and manages to just spoil a shitload of important things from it is insane, but it's not like the stories really matter in these games to me personally, they're uninteresting and I'm really only here for the gameplay and levels.

So uh...How WAS the gameplay? Uhh......Hah...Uh yeah. So. This type of game just doesn't translate to PSP. Though it totally could've benefit from having a camera that can adjust automatically or follow you rather than having an obnoxious control scheme.

Combat in this game is worse than it was in any of the other games and that for some reason especially says a lot. There's a lot of downgrades compared to previous games so stealth is much less open and you can no longer handle a situation like you could in Chaos Theory.

Sure, argue all you want "It's a PSP game" and yes, while that is true, you could still easily bring specific gameplay systems and build original maps and an original and unique story on PSP. But this game has none of that.

So far, out of my Splinter Cell series replay; this and Pandora Tomorrow are the worst.

This game has some jank and definitely has some issues, mainly the story, which I still hold the belief that the story sucks in every Splinter Cell game...however.......The game itself, everything about it is so fucking good for no reason. Basically every level except for Seoul is great. This game is Thief 2 and Hitman: Blood Money level peak regardless of having a shit story compared to the other 2 (though, Blood Money's story is nothing to write home about)

If you know me at all, you know that stealth games that make use of shadows tend to be my favorite. While I adore games like Metal Gear, I still think games utilizing shadows and open ended design structure keep me interested the most.

There's something about being able to go at my mission both in a way that I can handle it like a complete ghost all while going toward the objective in the way I'd personally like to that just feels so good. It's something that a lot of other stealth games don't get.

The first 3 levels of this game are probably my favorites in the whole thing honestly. I love most of this game, but the Lighthouse and Bank levels are just so unnecessarily perfect it's actually fucking annoying. The Bank level isn't anywhere near as good as the Thief 2 bank level for me but it's still really damn good and the amount of options you have just makes it so much more fun.

A thing I would love to talk about is the soundtrack. Each level has a different theme for the context of sneaking, when enemies are on alert, or when chasing you. Amon Tobin composed the soundtrack and this game's soundtrack is easily the best of the series for sure. The Lighthouse is one of my favorite tracks in any soundtrack ever and it's just...Ugh I could talk about it for hours.

Anyway, this game is easily my favorite of the Splinter Cell series replay so far and I feel it's gonna stay that way. Chaos Theory is a damn masterpiece and I can't recommend it enough.

Oh yeah btw considering it's been about 4-5 years since I last played in full, I had so many moments of frustration because of how rusty I am. I used to be able to complete most of the levels with a 100% stealth rating or atleast a 90%, and while I got the Bank at 90% and Lighthouse at 90% everything else I was so familiar with kept hitting a 40-70% at most and it was so frustrating.

The amount of quicksaves used in this playthrough was wild lol.

Wow....this game fucking SUCKS lol. I didn't wanna skip any games in the series on my replay but this game is just so damn annoying and broken. I played it the intended way so there's no bugs or anything that I encountered. THe game is just inherently broken.

As is the case with every Splinter Cell, the story is terrible. So I'm gonna focus on the gameplay. There's minor improvements compared to the previous entry but that doesn't save it from being genuinely one of the worst stealth games I've played. The levels are dull and the enemy AI is some of the worst I've seen in anything that isn't Thief 2014 and that says a lot.

I'm a sucker for stealth games that utilize shadows as a hiding place. But unfortunately this didn't hit. I haven't seen Chronicles of Riddick so there could be a lot I'm missing here, however I've been told it's fine to play as its own thing.

There's a big issue I have with this game. Not only does it feel way too restrictive at points, but the stealth system is weird as hell and kinda broken. Maybe I'm too picky because Thief 1-3 really heightened my standards for what a stealth game should be, but I don't like how it feels less like, and idk if this makes sense, but it feels less like you can hide in the shadows and more like you're hiding in invisible boxes. Like you aren't quite hiding in the shadows.

The screen glowing blue while in the shadows feels too specific. It might be a lighting issue but there were parts that were way too well lit and I was still hiding in the shadows apparently. hence why it feels like you're more or less hiding in a box. I don't know how else to put it.

The thing with stealth games like Thief and Splinter Cell is that it feels like the shadow systems are dynamic and that makes it feel right. There's games where that isn't explicitly the case yet it works, like in Manhunt for example.

I dunno tho I just didn't vibe with this game.

This game is jankier than I remember. It's got good aspects to it but its certainly weak compared to some of the later games. Much like the Hitman games, you can see a clear concept here that isn't quite realized. The platforming is broken as hell and there's moments here that force you into combat and it's quite rough.

The story of Splinter Cell is something I care so little for as well. It's never well written, I'm basically only here for the gameplay lol.

This game sucks to play on PC, it took me atleast 30 minutes to get this in a playable state.

Anyway, all in all. I don't think I recommend it? It's not very fun, but it's still impressive and unique for the time. Though, I think stealth involving usage of shadows was perfected in the Thief games.

Ok so where is the "good story" that everyone kept telling me about in this linear and boring ass game? Gameplay is uninteresting as hell which made me wish BioShock 1 and 2 gameplay made a return which is funny because I don't even like the way those games play.

As for the story, hella convoluted, doesn't save the game in the slightest when it usually would. It tries to get a message out and fails miserably. I do not think Ken Levine is capable of telling a good story and I can confidently say I am afraid of JUDAS.

An interesting start. Not a good one, but an interesting one. Some of the levels in Codename 47 are seen in Contracts due to Contracts being made on a short timespan and this being PC exclusive, they decided to put some of the levels on there.

But anyway, this game is terrible. Some of the levels force you into combat, AI is wonky. Also the worst offender to me is the fact you can clearly tell the concept IS there. This is another thing I have issues with in terms of almost every other Hitman game besides Blood Money (that I played)

You can clearly tell the concept is there and that it is being worked with. But unfortunately, much like Hitman 2, the concept isn't fully realized and the game overall is bad.

The fact this is what closes the original series is depressing. Everything about this game is trash. The storyline is a dumpsterfire. Clearly made the way it was to pander to the most casual of audiences in the most cringe ways. It also doesn't make sense in a lot of ways because the story retcons a lot of previous events.

The gameplay here is lacking in every single way you can think of. There's maybe two levels I personally enjoyed and the reason I enjoyed said levels is because they were like a short glimpse of hope for this pile of shit game. Said levels were similar to the classics, and that's what made me like them. Though, the issue with these levels is the fact that they're still overly restrictive.

I did not expect to replay this and dislike it so much, but this is currently tied with CN47 for my least favorite entry in the series. I have yet to play the reboot series (I have to buy them still) but hopefully those are actually good. This however, is a disappointing mess and I will most likely never play it again.

This is...Uh, this is surprising. Okay, so. Hitman Blood Money is a game I have a weird history with. I hated this game so much when I first played it and every time I came back to it, I was disappointed even more by it.

But this time is...DRASTICALLY different. So different in fact that, I think Hitman Blood Money might be one of my favorite stealth games of all time. This is where the concept of Hitman truly becomes perfected in my eyes. These levels are just great I don't know what else to say.

The story here is also very interesting, which is great to finally say after 3 games of lackluster or bland stories. Oh god also the soundtrack is great too LMAO

Anyway yeah you get the point. Hitman Blood Money is great.

I think this series was off to a reaaaaaally rough start, and Contracts is about where I'd say they finally got the concept down well enough. There's certainly still a lot of jank that holds back a lot of ideas but it's a relatively easy to run through game.

The only level in Contracts that I reaaaally don't like is honestly the very last level, which to avoid spoilers I won't be getting into. But it took me a lot of tries to finally get down.

Out of the series so far, Contracts feels the most fun to strategize with. Honestly can't wait to replay Blood Money now.

Almost forgot to bring up that Contracts has one of the best soundtracks I've heard in any game for a while. Jesper Kyd is among my favorite composers (alongside Eric Brosius and Akira Yamaoka) and this game solidified that opinion for me. The soundtrack backs this chilling and twisted, dirty and cold atmosphere the game overall has. It adds this weird layer of surrealism to the tone that is seen throughout the game through to the end.

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin is a game I decided to replay because I had somewhat fond memories of it. But after replaying, I can say for certain that this is an absolute mess. IO Interactive clearly didn't have a solid grasp of the concept they were working with for this one. Sure, it's significantly better than Codename 47, but it's still among the weakest entries.

The AI is absolutely broken in this game, and the reasoning is a mixture of what I'd say is mistakes in the coding as well as just dumb decisions. Enemies going insane on you over something as simple as running is one of the dumbest things I've experienced in a stealth game ever. I understand Hitman is a strategy-based series and so it's much less about sneaking like most stealth games, but that isn't really an excuse. Especially when later games fixed the AI making it more fun to play around with.

Basically most of my negativity from this game comes from technical issues and the AI. As said, you can really tell IOI didn't have a solid grasp of the concept yet.