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I haven’t played all of some of the most noteworthy old-school puzzle games that most people know about, but out of all of the ones that I have played before this, Puzzle Bobble was my favorite of the bunch without a doubt. Despite how it could be seen as dated compared to every other game released in the series afterwards, as well as the fact that there is a luck factor to it that could fuck you over plenty of times, it managed to deliver a formula that was able to grasp and have fun with immediately, with plenty of different formations and challenges given that were an absolute joy to clear through, all paired alongside extremely charming visuals and music that just enhanced the experience even more. You better believe I was more then willing to get to the next game in the series as soon as I could, so I figure it’s about time to return to this newfound addiction of mine and check out the second game in the series, Puzzle Bobble 2.

Going into this game, I figured this game was gonna be given the Puyo Puyo 2 treatment, you know what I mean? Like, I figured it was gonna be virtually the exact same game as the first in almost every way, but there will also just be very subtle changes thrown in to mix things up that true fanatics would be able to spot faster than others. However, when I then got into the game myself, I then noticed that that was only mostly the case, and there were actually features here that weren’t present in the original, making this just that little better than the original game. It manages to provide the same satisfactory and addicting gameplay that we had gotten before, while also having several new features that add even more replayability on top of that to win over all the true hardcore puzzle fanatics.

The graphics are fantastic, looking just as cute-sy and colorful as the previous game while also carrying the right amount of energy and fun to them, even though I am kinda freaked out by Bub’s 3D model in the game’s “opening cutscene”, the music is a great improvement over the original, with it actually having more than one track that it cycles through for each level, and the music itself is just as cheerful and energetic as the game itself, which I am all here for, and the gameplay/control is identical to that of the original game, knowing to keep things very similar to what came before it to not fuck up the formula they had nailed, while also still being very fun to run through yet again.

The game is yet another typical arcade puzzler, where you take control of Bub or Bob, depending on what mode you are playing, go through a set of 30 different areas full of many different rounds of bubble popping to be had, shoot many different multi-colored bubble at stacks upon stacks of them to eventually clear them out and get as many points as you can, panic like a madman whenever they get close to the bottom, meaning that you will probably have to do it all over again, and take on a friend or a computer in VS mode to see who is the best bubble popper of them all. Once again, a lot of it is what you have seen before, but the formula doesn’t need to be spun around too much in order to make for another memorable title, which can clearly be seen as Puzzle Bobble 2 maintains the addictive gameplay from last time, while adding onto it in several ways.

For all of those mad puzzle game enthusiasts out there, you’re in luck, because this game manages to keep the same basic set-up that you all crave, where you can either battle it out with friends or against computer opponents, or go at it solo by taking on Puzzle Mode, which will send you through plenty of different levels ultimately leading up to one of many different endings. That last bit of info I gave out right there is one of the more appealing aspects of Puzzle Mode as a whole, where unlike the original Puzzle Bobble, where you just went through one set of levels from start to end, no variation in between, in this game, from the start, you are given the choice to go to one of two different areas, and after clearing out the area you choose, you get to choose between two new areas to play through. This means that there are many different routes you can take through puzzle mode, each one changing up your experience to some extent, and you are rewarded for this by getting several different endings, allowing for even more replayability than ever before.

Aside from that though, there are other basic features that have also been added to this game, such as a Time Trial mode, where you are tasked with trying to clear out each round as soon as possible, all for the chance to triumph over other players’ times to prove that you are the best Puzzle Bobble to ever Puzzle or Bobble! Unfortunately though, this feature is only found in specific versions of the game, but fear not, for if you are playing the arcade version of the game like I am, then you can still access other special features found within the game, such as when you beat the game, and you get a code to access Another World, which is essentially just a harder version of the main game, changing up the levels slightly to make them more difficult, and even adding the backgrounds and layouts from the original Bubble Bobble in there just to make you feel nostalgic. I didn’t try out this part of the game, because I figured I had already bobbled enough bubbles for today, but it definitely does offer a lot more to try out for those who are so willing to do so.

However, if you are looking for something much more different then what you got from Puzzle Bobble 1, then you will most likely not be getting that here. The game is practically identical when it comes to the actual gameplay of the original, with you still shooting around colored bubbles, popping them, and chaining them combos together, with no additional power-ups, gameplay styles, or vastly different modes to speak of. Not to mention, it still does have that luck factor to it, where the game could potentially give you the wrong color bubbles when you REALLY don’t need them, and that can lead to you losing a level because of that, so that could also be a mark against the game depending on who you ask. Thankfully though, I was able to see past both of those things, and I ended up having a pretty great time regardless.

Overall, despite a lack of major change and luck still being a bitch and a half, Puzzle Bobble 2 manages to be the best classic puzzle game sequel that I have managed to play so far, keeping the incredibly fun and addicting gameplay intact, retaining the same visual charm and energy, and adding just enough to enhance the main formula that makes it more fun to play through as a whole. I would definitely recommend it for those who loved the original game, as well as those who are big puzzle fanatics in general, because despite how it may possibly not be as good as later games in this series, it still manages to stand on its own after all this time and remain fun regardless. Man, glad that I managed to get that out of the way, although……. there has been something I have been neglecting for this game so far that you all are probably thinking about. So, to end off this review, I will just say to not look up the PS1 box-art for this game………… I know you will anyway, but still, just be ready for the stuff of nightmares.

Game #616

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