I don't even know what to say. I waited almost 20 years for the sequel to fusion and it delivered almost everything I wanted in a metroid game.
The controls are insanely tight, I never felt like I was fighting against them at all even with all of the new mechanics in play here. The level design is equally tight with a mix of linearity and exploration that guides you along your journey but never makes you feel to constrained. The bosses are just sublime. They are so well telegraphed with clear ways to avoid and punish every attack. The "dance" of each boss fight is just a joy to execute and they do a great job of making the player and Samus feel like a complete badass. The E.M.M.I. sections are also a great addition that does something new to shake up the metroid formula.

If I HAD to list out some weak parts of the game, they would probably be:
-repetitive minibosses: you battle some of the minibosses several times without a huge amount of variation between them. The reuse isn't bad per se but I wish those room had a unique boss to fight instead because the bosses are just so excellent I want more of them
-I wish it it was more obvious if an item was already collected or not on the map because right now collected items are just lightly greyed out.

...and that's all I can think of. Really I just don't have much bad to say. I have gotten 100% items for my first playthrough and I will probably play it again on hard mode soon. Early rating is a 9.5/10 for me and I could see myself raising my backloggd score to 5/5 someday.

There's really not much else out there for games that are "laugh til your cry" absurd that you can also share with a friend.
The game design wise is a mess but it controls decently and you can get some mindless fun out of shooting and roundhouse kicking zombies. It peaks at the Leon route where the devs pretend to remember what a resident evil game is like but following that most of the game tries to do it's best to be a cheap cod or gears knockoff.

Still along the way you will be in for a ride as the characters act like they have a collective IQ in the teens and set pieces explode every 3 minutes or so. One of the most memorable coop games I've played, even if for the wrong reasons.

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This is a game that gives you a lot of emotion without saying anything.

There are a lot of faults that stick out as you play through this game. The sloppy controls, the boring repetition, and the trial and error progression, to name a few. The huge problem I want to point out with this game is that the writing goes absolutely no where.

The game has a lot of heavy moments. There are dramatic deaths, sorrowful backstories, and difficult to watch sequences. As you are first going through the game you feel the weight of all of these moments building on your character as he stumbles his way through this timeloop. The voice actors genuinely do a great job and that's the primary reason this isn't getting a .5★ from me. Now much later in the story, we realize all of this for nothing. Well maybe not for nothing, because all of this stress we have been living through vicariously through our player character has actualky been a metaphysical manifestation of our character stressing over an inscestuous relationship. Suddenly all the relatability and grounded-ness of the story are gone. All of the development we have felt are thrown away for the author's bizarre take on a twist.

The worst part of this game is how after this twist, the final ending decides to take away the main characters memory of this relationship. The shocking revelation leaves the stage just as quickly as it appeared. There's no time for reflection or wisdom to be imparted by the authors. It just ends in a way that questions what your purpose of being the spectator to this tale even is.

So after hours of sitting on this emotional rollercoaster, my final take away is... Nothing. The biggest question this game brought to my head is simply why am I here to begin with? There's no take away moral or lesson here at the end of the day. The author wanted his his story to be a vehicle for shock value and that's all this game can deliver.

Fun as hell. Lovely story and voice acting. Misses a bit on the combat but overall nails what you want from a sequel.