Log Status






Time Played

73h 22m

Days in Journal

34 days

Last played

July 8, 2022

First played

July 15, 2021

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Fan Missions

30h 30m



July 2022



1h 0m



Fan Mission: Lonmore
Rating: N/A
Thoughts: Beeeg

May 2022



1h 0m

February 2022



Fan Mission: Malazar's Inscrutable Tower
Rating: N/A
Thoughts: I fucking hate how freaky the weeping angles are, and I especially hate how they are in my Thief game. THEY SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME ALL THE TIME (They're good, I like em :))

1h 30m



Fan Misson: Malazar's Inscrutable Tower
Rating: N/A
Thoughts: Fuck Backlogged

1h 30m

January 2022



Fan Campaign: Circle of Stone and Shadow
Level: Mission X
Score: 10/10
Thought: Fuck that’s huge.

3h 20m



Fan Campaign: Circle of Stone and Shadow
Level: Gathering at the Inn
Rating: 9/10
Thoughts: The one thing I felt throughout playing this entire level was this overwhelming feeling of “wow, this is a breath of fresh air”. This is the first Thief campaign I’ve played where the protagonist you play as isn’t just Garrett, and It’s really nice to see that. While I do love Garrett as a character, and I think his inclusion in many fan missions is charming, it can admittedly get a little tiresome walking around as the same dude all time with very little variation of character. And it’s especially annoying when there’s so many possibilities for storytelling with this engine outside of Garrett. And this campaign from what I’ve seen so far has been very adamant on setting itself apart from the Thief franchise, as well as pushing the games engine to its limits. I very much look forward to playing as Dante as I steal from fat rich noblemen, and he spews devilishly British remarks.

1h 39m



Fan Campaign: The Black Frog
Level: The Portrait
Score: 6/10
Thoughts: Pretty disappointingly linear is many areas. I’m probably gonna drop playing this for awhile, but I think I’ll revisit it at some point.

2h 30m

December 2021



Fan Campaign: The Black Frog
Level: Songs and Laughter
Score: 8/10
Thoughts: The in game character animations are very cool to see in this level. Lots of citizens running, walking, and tripping about, who are either gleefully drunk or pissed off. And the dancing is undeniably fire, can’t imagine how hard it was to put that into the code.

0h 30m



Fan Mission: A Thief's Holiday
Rating: 8/10
Thoughts: A cute and fun play on the classic puzzle solving and navigation mechanics of Thief games, that are interpreted into a holiday setting.

0h 35m



Fan Campaign: Death's Cold Embrace
Level: The Wailing Keep & The End Is Just the Beginning
Score: 10/10
Thoughts: Easily the best Thief fan mission I’ve ever played. Rivals the og missions tbh.

1h 30m



Fan Campaign: Death's Cold Embrace
Level: Waking The Dead
Score: 10/10
Thoughts: Holy fucking shit, this level is AWESOME! Now a mission where you need to dig a grave is pretty intriguing in its own right. But the way this level completely flips it’s head by raising the dead after you do you intended task is simply immaculate game design. By far the best use of haunts and zombies I’ve seen in a Thief level.

1h 8m

October 2021



Fan Campaign: Death's Cold
Level 2: Formula
Score: 8/10
Time: 22 minutes

Level 3: Rendezvous at the Harlequin
Score: 6/10
Time: 6 Minutes
Thoughts: I mean, it's literally just Garrett getting his payment, did that seriously need a whole level tied to it?

Level 4: Fate Intervenes
Score: 8/10
Time: 5 minutes 26 seconds
Thoughts: This is basically an extended cutscene but with using the game assets. The fact that the creators of this campaign were even able to get Theif's janky ass character models to act out a whole fight scene is super impressive, as well as get some pretty dynamic shots. Though the tone of the cutscenes gets completely fucked by the OBJECTIVE COMPLETE sounds, but I guess they had to do that so the scenes could transition into each other. Overall, impressive camera work and art direction, fun voice work, and as always with this campaign GREAT FUCKIN MUSSSSSICICCICCIC!

0h 33m



Fan Campaign: Death's Cold Embrace
Level 1: Murder
Score: 10/10
Time: 2 hours and 38 minutes


Level 2: Formula
Score: N/A
Time: 1 hour 55 minutes

4h 33m



Fan Level: Better off Dead

Score: 5/10
Time: 30 Minutes


Fan Campaign: Death's Cold Embrace
Level 1: Murder
Score: N/A
Time: 1 hour

1h 30m



Fan Level: Better off Dead

Score: N/A

4h 47m



Fan Level: The 7th Crystal

Score: 8/10

0h 25m



Fan Level: The 7th Crystal

Score: N/A

3h 30m


43h 0m

First Time

December 2021



2h 30m




Level 14: Masks
Rating: 7/10
Time: 30 minutes
Thoughts: This level has some interesting puzzles and set pieces, like the double switches in the room to the right in the first main lobby you enter, and the fun little mask collecting section where you have to shimmy down with your rope arrows to avoid the toxic gas trap. But this level's enjoyment is definitely dampened by "casing the joint", the level that came before it. This is mainly because "casing the joint" effectively spoils 2/3's of the estate your breaking into before you even do anything in it, which begs the question, if the previous level was just in the same area, why not merge the two? It seems a little silly to me that Garrett would go into a place just so he could sketch it, only to go back to enter a area that makes all of that sketching pointless. Like it makes you more prepared in getting to the secret floor, but it also takes away the mystery and fun of levels when you know what to expect.

There was also another issue I had with this level, mainly regarding its loot count in expert mode. It's just complete bullshit, half of my time in this level was peering through every nook and cranny of the estate searching for one or two pieces of loot. And it's not like this was on me, cause I'm pretty certain I was close to finding almost every piece of loot in that level, which is just an unrealistic standard considering the previous loot counts in other levels.

Overall, good level, that's lessened by what came before it.

Level 15: Sabotage at Soulforge
Rating: N/A
Time: 40 minutes
Thoughts: Karras should start a builder podcast, so I don't have to here anymore of his stupid bullshit. Builder this, builder that, why don't you build yourself some robotic bitches? Seriously, on god, just do it, MAKE MY FUCKING DAY!

1h 10m



Level 14: Masks
Rating: N/A
Thoughts: Damn, sure would be nice to finish this level.

1h 30m

November 2021



Level 13: Casing the Joint

October 2021



Level 12: Kidnap

Score: N/A

1h 2m

September 2021



Level 11: Precious Cargo

Score: 10/10

August 2021



Level 10: Life of the Party

Score: 10/10



Level 10: Life of the Party

Score: N/A



Level 9: Trail of Blood

Score: 10/10



Level 8: Trace the Courier

Score: 9/10



Level 7: Blackmail

Score: 8/10

July 2021



Level 5: Eavesdropping

Score: 8/10



Level 4: Ambush!

Score: 10/10



Level 3: Framed

Score: 10/10



Level 2: Shipping and Receiving

Score: 10/10



Level 1: Running Interference

Score: 7/10