The end is never the end is never the end is never the end end is never the end is never the end end is never the end is never the end end is never the end is never the end end is never the end is never the end end is never the end is never the end end is never the end is never the end end is never the end is never the end end is never the end is never the end

no no I don't feel sad there's no heavy update yet no no

This game really gives you the feeling of Batman.

Why is Sonic the Hedgehog bad in bed:

Gotta go fast.

Oh by the way I've got something for ya, it's called the sleathy fucker.

Mmmm, I'll fucking take it.

Still remember watching someone doing a greek playthrough of it, I wonder what happened to them.

The epitomy of short and sweet.


Yeah even after replaying it 10 years later I still liked it.