3 reviews liked by Eterhia

why not remove this "game" from this website and move it to the letterboxd, that's where it belongs

Tedious classically designed arcade shmup where the developers blindside you with "gotcha!" deaths. The stages are twice as long as they should be. Theres a point in the game where you suddenly get bombarded with bomb pick ups and power-ups and you might be under the impression that the game is ramping up to some crazy final boss but nope....thats the halfway point. Forced myself to finish this one and while I generally don't coun't shmups as "completed" unless I 1CC them, Truxton is going to be an exception.

The only thing Truxton has going for it is the neat Skull Faced Bomb explosion it has. I honestly think thats the only reason its kind of managed to stick around in the shmup public consciousness. There are better shmups out there. Truxton isn't really worth playing or learning.

This isn't a game this is art, a movie, an experience.

My 3rd favorite game.
Lovable characthers, interesting story, funny dialogues, immersive world.

Playing this game truly was an experience, i binged the game in a few days and was interested al through out it. I was fully immersed playing the game.

Everything you do in this game matters, every item matters. Nothing feels useless even if they are.

I didn't 100% the game and i don't plan on doing so even if i want to. It would be insulting to the game's meaning. I would want to explain why but it would be very hard to do so without giving spoilers, so sorry about that.

5/5 Definitely recommended.

2 lists liked by Eterhia