Occasionally reminds me why I'm not an engineer.

Better Gameplay than lostword.

I don't know if I love it or hate it in all honesty.

Does anyone remember that ratchet and clank movie? Yeah I don't either.

The silliest character designs.


I played the multiplayer as a halo fan and got my bum handed to me by boomers


Tarkov but bad and for broke fellas

Monster hunter for broke fellas

This DLC made me like Fallout 4, except for the VR level.

Unironically it was peak, the gameplay was addictive and there were many special things to be found around the map. The gnomes went hard too.

This game made me hate my friends and I cannot give it above 3 stars because of that.

I got it for free but it was pretty good and the gameplay was addictive, though, I can see why people don't like it because of the trailer situation.

The dojo and sword building was really lit.

Depth perception is my kryptonite.

I am legally and morally obligated to give this game 5 stars.