I'm only here for the Ignis recipes

The best way to experience this classic franchise. The ability to switch between the og and updated graphics is an awesome feature to add. Revisiting these games that meant a lot to my childhood has been a real fun time. Definitely recommend to old Halo fans and potential new ones

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Hitler gets shlaped tee hee

Although Ubisoft definitely played the hell out of people by hyping up visuals and features that weren't in the released version of the game. I personally found a lot of enjoyment in Watch Dogs. For starters I have not played too many games taking place in Chicago and having accurate locations you could visit in the city as well! It was a cool expierence for a game that could've easily been in New York like a lot of similar story settings would have done. The hacking mechanics are also fun if this is your first Watch Dogs game. The driving could've been much better, I may or may not be spoiled by games like Gta that have really good driving mechanics. Other than that though the game is pretty solid for being a new ip at the time

Beautiful freaking series that needs to be played by more people. One of the best fps story driven games out there, the atmosphere alone is something you don't get from most games these days

Not sure why but every time I ever tried playing this game something bad would happen in my life. After my wife left me I said screw it, instead of getting money to pay for child support, I'll finally muster up the courage to beat this cursed game. I did it and my wife came back to me a week later. (true story)

One of the largest character rosters from a very popular fighting franchise and a very fun 3D MK. This game is essentially the Budokai Tenkaichi 3 of Mortal Kombat and I love it

The perfect follow-up to my favorite battlefield. This takes all of battlefield 3's strong suits and puts it on a larger scale. Everything one loves from Battlefield is in this game. Massive destruction impacting the live multiplayer maps. This game will be a decade old this year and still is visually impressive for an fps game of it's size. DICE and EA peaked with this entry and it's clear they haven't been able to replicate this since. I could go back and forth between 4 and 3 being the better game but either way this is an amazing fps game. It's something EA and DICE should recreate, cause all this futuristic stuff they've been trying isn't working clearly

One of my favorite games of all time. The facial expressions from characters alone are some of the best you'll see in gaming to this day! Being able to tell when a character is lying about something while talking is mad fun. On top of me already being a sucker for Noire detective stuff, this was a very unique game for Rockstar to have under it's belt. Sadly the studio that made this game went out of business from the money they spent *ironically on the technology for the facial animations. They never got enough return on investment and went under, which I'm still sad about given the effort they put into it being a big part of the game. None the less, I believe LA Noire is a game worth trying at least once for anyone that can appreciate a story driven game that involves clues and mystery

Mom I want Super Mario Bros!
Mom: We have Mario at home
Mario Bros at home = Cloudberry Kingdom

Red Dead is a strange experience for me because the first several hours of this game bored me to death and it was rough getting through it outside the opening sequence which was cool. A close friend of mine praises this game anytime it gets mentioned so I pushed through and after several hours, I can say the game gets pretty fun. It's like watching One Piece as a newcomer. I have to watch dozens of episodes till it actually gets good, which may not be for everyone but aye Cowboys are pretty dope

What started out as a rough release, overtime became a really fun game. Still waiting on a Battlefront III

Enough to make a grown man cry. This game gave me trauma and the feeling of loss that I'll never recover from.....10/10

Honestly a really fun sequel to a classic RPG. Too many people don't give this game it's flowers because it doesn't stack up to it's predecessor. Although it's true, that isn't fair to Dragon Age 2 as an individual game. It is more fast pace and shorter in length. While also doing a phenomenal job delving into the politics of the world, that is Dragon Age regarding race and culture

One of the best RPGS I've ever played. From the story and world lore surrounding the game, to the amazing cast of part companions you get along your journey. The amazing dialog options and banter your companions have idly amongst each other is already great. For those that are open to experience an older RPG definitely worth giving a chance. As it is still the BEST Dragon Age game regardless of what people wanna say about inquisition