This is my second attempt to play Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. I originally bought it when it launched in 2010 having been hyped by the launch trailer with Patrick Stewart and Robert Carlyle narrating. Its been 14 years since then and all I remember is not enjoying it much and eventually trading it in but nothing specific about it. A friend of mine bought it so we decided to play through it together as Castlevania fans, what could go wrong?

Everything about this game feels bad to play.

Let's start with the protagonist Gabriel Belmont, he has all the personality and emotional range of a slab of granite. Literally anything that happens gives him no reaction at all like the developers forgot to animate his face. A magic horse teleporting in next to him? No problem. Giant titan smashing out of the lake? Sure. Dead wife appearing in front of him? It's Tuesday. Not a flicker of acknowledgement of surprising events like an animated corpse. His voice actor Robert Carlyle is normally a great performer but it doesn't seem like he was given much direction here. Perhaps it's because voice acting is a very different skill? but it really sounds like he is just reading off a script. Perhaps I'm underselling him here and he is acting to the characters visually displayed emotions, which is absolutely nothing, so in fact an A+ performance.

I could overlook this if the game was fun to play and control Granite Belmont but that's actually the worst part, by a country mile. It's a 3D action game but has a fixed camera with a soft lock following the action. Because the game lacks personality as much as Mr. Granite it's essentially a God of War clone but it fails to understand the level design to make that enjoyable leaving large dead zones of the camera view constantly. The combat just feels terrible, It's slow but not deliberate. Attacks lack weight and impact yet everything is unresponsive at the same time. The controls are somewhat baffling in their design to compound this further. Roll is on L2 with the left analog stick, the right analog stick doesn't seem to be used at all as you can't control the camera. There is no manual lock on to attack enemies, just a soft lock that's easy to lose. It's feels so cumbersome, even after a few hours it still felt like we were learning the controls.

A second friend came by when we were playing and gave it a go and their only impression was "This doesn't feel good does it?"

You can buy more combos for your whip using experience gained through combat but none of them feel easy to pull off or actually useful in any way when you do. The whip completely lacks impact. Enemies will just interrupt you mid attack so most the time hit and run is the most effective strategy. It's Castlevania yet you get access to one sub weapon of a throwing knife and two magic spells of light and shadow. Light heals you, shadow increases your attack. It's...coloured auras in which you collect orbs from enemies with L3 or R3 depending which pool you want to refill. Getting access to this IP and only giving that as options feels so...derivative.

This complete lack of imagination extends to the level and enemy designs equally. Enemies are bland fantasy archetypes of werewolves, trolls, goblins, and spiders. We completed 14 levels in two chapters with several hours of play and barely saw anything else. This is a series known for animated armour, floating medusa heads, dancing ghosts, chimeras etc. How do you take the past games and boil them down to such uninteresting foes? The first main level after the tutorial fight was a swamp you slowly trudge through with some goblins. It's so painfully generic but it's not even done well or designed interestingly to make it fresh. It utterly lacks the panache and style of the series it's based on.

It feels like it's aged terribly going back to it, it has all the worst aspects of the PS3 era. Quick time events for finishing enemies or traversing with a circle going into another circle. Balancing to cross a beam and having to hold R2 if you are about to fall. The game also constantly takes control away from you like it's mansplaining everything feeling incredibly patronising. Constant tutorials, pop ups, camera sweeps. Just let me play the game! I know I can pick up items with R2, I've been playing for over 2 hours! It treats you like your memory is wiped every 15 minutes.

The game tries to be a large epic with high production values with epic music and voice acting yet there are large chunks of levels with no music at all but it's not atmospheric, just empty. What music there is is forgettable like a generic orchestral theme for a summer block buster but no punch or stand out beats. Like trailer music.

After several hours my friend and I just called it quits. Maybe it gets better further on? I am aware of the twist but after learning there were still 34 more levels we just didn't actually want to play anymore. We moved onto Space Marine after this as my friend hadn't played it and the quality difference on the same system was night and day. Full camera movement, easy fluid to use controls, and interestingly a better frame rate and clearer image quality. It really just emphasized all of this game's flaws.

The thing is, I'm sad about this. We wanted to like this, we wanted to beat it and play Lords of Shadow 2 to fill in some gaps in our Castlevania history and see Granite Belmont's story unfold. There isn't an original idea to be had here though and everything just feels so banal with it. Playing this feels like a PS3 game with all the negatives that sentence implies. It takes the worst aspects of gaming in that generation and merges them together but above all it's just forgettable.

Even Patrick Stewart can't save this.

+ I like Granite Slab's outfit.

- Awful camera, controls and combat.
- Bland level, skills and enemy designs.
- Gabriel has the personality of a plank of wood used in a button measuring contest.
- Everything feels so safe and by the numbers like designed by committee.

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2024


2 months ago

Just an opinion from me, it does NOT get better further in. The ending is pretty hysterical though and the conceit of the second game is almost feverdreamish but that game isn’t good either. You’ve won the game of life by making this decision

2 months ago

@hilda - This actually does help! I like to try and give games the benefit of the doubt but I think in this case I'm just going to pretend these games never happened....

2 months ago

That was a really fun and interesting review, and glad I'm not the only one to not see much the appeal of this game (or series since I hated Mirror of Fate).

2 months ago

LoS is really reliant on you finding its insane bluster charming enough to endure the rough spots. I'd say if you saw the shadow of the colossus spot you've seen the worst of it, but it remains mostly the same game for its entire runtime other than less backseat driving and mechanical musical chairs once it settles into its momentum a bit

vampire area was pretty cool and the final sequence and dlc are bonkers, but if you weren't vibing with it that's unlikely to have changed with more time invested. personally I got a soft spot for its massive dumb guy energy but I'd be lying if I said I didn't understand the criticism

2 months ago

I recently came back to this because I enjoyed it, but I realized the combat system just sucks. I still do enjoy Emo Gabriel, and the folklore-ish fantasy of it. There are so more interesting visuals after the swamp, like a more classic gothic castle, or a kind of field type area with scarecrows, and the last place is cool. It's kind of crazy to me how I didnt realize the combat systems don't really flow together (when they easily could).

2 months ago

It always feels weird when I look at this game, I remember when I was told by a friend "hey, do you know that a Castlevania was made in our country?" and at first I actually liked how it looked... But then I got to try it and... Yeah... XD. I kinda value that the team was able to do their vision, but It sucks that vision isn't anything too special...

Great review! This also reminded me there's a 3ds Game of this subseries and I need to play that one to see how it compares xD

2 months ago

One of my favorite games of all time.

2 months ago

@Nickakyoin - I saw your review whilst I was writing this seeing we agreed on it lol.

2 months ago

@Curse - I think it was the second Shadow of the Colossus fight where we were throwing rocks back at him that actually was the final nail in the proverbial coffin for us. I think if I wasn't such a series fan I might be more forgiving about it.

I might just watch the story scenes on YouTube at some point.

2 months ago

@Snigglegros - I had heard there is a castle area but the game seemed really long at like 50 levels and my time staying with my friend is limited as he is on the other side of the country so we cut our losses.

God yes though the combat just doesn't feel tested sadly. Like the framework is there but enemies telegraph their attacks so poorly for parrying, have too much health, don't get impacted by hits, lack weight. There is just a lot of flaws with it :(

2 months ago

@DeemonandGames - I didn't realise Mercury Steam were still going but I just looked it up and seems they worked on Metroid Dread? Nice.

I have Mirrors of Fate on Steam, trying to decide if I want to play it after this as reviews are not good....

2 months ago

@molochthagod - We still have our joint enjoyment of Alpha Protocol my friend.

2 months ago

mirror of fate is a really mediocre castlevania (whereas LoS isn't a castlevania at all)

I wasn't able to finish it, but it fakes its series cred a little better than the main game did, so it might be more palatable on that basis alone. gotta be literally hundreds of better games in the genre at this point though so I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a real strong curiosity

2 months ago

@FallenGrace unfortunately, from the looks of it MercurySteam is a pretty terrible company to work for. People who contributed to less than a fourth of development of Metroid Dread weren't credited and the working environment was apparently very toxic. I would recommend reading up on it but it seems pretty miserable so you probably shouldn't

2 months ago

Preach. I was one of the few who didn't like it when everyone else did, before a lot of them changed their minds after the awful sequel. It's an "ok" game for the time but it has 6 hours worth of content stretched to an agonizing 22 hours on average, repeating every set piece 3-5 times in despeate effort to increase play time. It plunders God of War 2 for all of its mechanic but everything is worse and the story and characters are poor. We still have a running gag with a friend about how dejected Patrick Stewart sounds while reading that bland script about light and dark and Great Evil™, probably because he had to redo the paintjob on his Lamborghini. Another friend is still scared to find LoS inside the jewel case when i bring him a game, because I repeatedly pranked him with it, since he couldn't stand it.

As for being a castlevania game, you can just tell this started as an original IP and then was reworked into a Castlevania reboot mid-development. Be thankful you are not going to play the sequel, because it's so much worse in so many ways.

2 months ago

@Ghost_Of_SAS - Ha! Some friends and I had the same relationship with Unlimited Saga back in the day lol.

I read the sequel even has stealth sections? That is not Castlevania....

2 months ago

@fallengrace I don't mind a stealth section to break up the pace in a castlevania game; the problem is they were all awful. I wish I had reviewed the game at the time, so I could be more specific, but the fact remains it is a bad sequel to an already underwhelming game. Mercurysteam is a hugely overrated developer, only saved by their good work on a couple of Metroid portable games.