20 reviews liked by FalseShepherd13

Desperately clinging to the only meme that defines his remaining identity, if there’s any at this point, is the role of a medic, someone who saves lives, someone who refuses to let go of lives he was determined to save, someone who wished for… peace. Except it’s nowhere to be found, it was never a thing to begin with. He can no longer save lives, instead every action he takes leads to another being lost. Spreading the venomous seeds of revenge, forced to play the role of a legend who perpetuates this futile cycle of hatred against his will. He has no meme or gene to pass on. No one will remember him. No one will speak of him.

A grand story about facing impossible odds from absolute rock bottom, the city of Crossbell is twisted and yet these good people keep pushing forward to forge a new path of what is right. Seeing the payoffs to previous games and linking it with Sky was really rewarding, and it's a joy to see a new perspective of this giant world that still has more to show.

We got friggin CARS

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bro was so down bad for this man he literally staged a coup d'etat over it

Remember11 is perhaps the most unconventional and potent work I have experienced in years. It has no intention of rewarding you to engage with it as a conventional story. It's an "incomplete" work. However that "incomplete-ness" is a thorough examination of yourself. What you have to do is take a deeper look at yourself. Remember the 11. Then you will perhaps, realize that Remember11 is more complete than anything that came before or after it.

this is one of my favorite games

Easily my favorite visual novel so far. I was drawn in almost immediately, and I was completely hooked since.

I just uh...wouldn't recommend it unless you think you can handle its content.