An impressive remake, in all honesty, but I didn't finish it at the time so I won't be rating it. I may revisit this title some day. All of its Mega Evolution designs are bangers, by the way.

I played it for a while but goodness, this is a rather aggravating little game, isn't it?

Fun as a social game, and quite cute, but it wants all of your money and probably isn't worth your time enough to bear through it. You could do worse, but you could also do way, way better.

It has some greater features than the original Sun/Moon, but the story is much worse in my opinion. Just play the originals.

It's a solid game, but I never quite vibed with the setting of this one.

I'm fond of the sprites and the pseudo-3D effect many of the areas in this game have. This was my first "new gen", as in, the first gen that came out after I had already been acquainted with all of the Pokemon that existed before then, and many of them getting new evolutions in Gen IV blew my mind as a child. I still look fondly at its roster to this day. Regigigas is my favourite legendary in the series.

The alien vibe of Black/White really stood out to me when these games came out. This was also the generation where I first noticed that competitive Pokemon was a thing that existed, and though I didn't get into it myself, it was fun to watch people who did get into it.

A review of Black/White wouldn't be complete without mentioning the obvious... yes, the story is quite compelling. I like N a lot as a character. The battle themes are very good in this game, especially the general legendary theme. Also, Volcarona is one of the best Pokemon to ever exist.


A true classic in the horror genre. There's so much to like about this game, from the music to the environments to the dialogue... It's got atmosphere lesser games dream of.

A solid hoard shooter both with friends or on your own. I've sunk more hours than I care to count shooting bugs, carrying eggs, and picking up funny rocks. Rock and stone!

Fun game with friends, but it gets old quickly.

Just get it, and go crazy with your besties!! It's bombastic silly fun!

This is a fun puzzle game with a surprising amount of depth to it. There are lots of levels to work through, so this can occupy you for a while if you're the puzzler type.

This has the most interesting combat to me among Touhou's side scrolling fighting games. Add a stellar soundtrack, a gorgeous art style, and a great cast, and we have the makings of a masterpiece. This was worth the wait.

Midling in many ways, but there's some fun to be had if you have Number-Go-Up disease like I do. My account has been lost, however, and probably won't be coming back anytime soon.

I'm sorry, I am one of those people who loves to cause trouble. It's quite silly fun.