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CampTheMVP commented on pyrrhickong's review of Donkey Kong
Oh my gosh I knew I wasn't crazy for thinking that this is not good compared to the actual cabinet experience.

9 hrs ago

CampTheMVP is now playing Neon White

10 hrs ago

CampTheMVP followed Dormant

13 hrs ago

RockosModernLife completed Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Colours weave into a spire of flame,
6 frames of input lag ruins this game,
But the cold truth is that does not matter,
This is an ad first and a video game latteeeeeerrrrrr!

On that day, when Sora was released
This game came to an end
Shallow hype, but no reason once it
is over, trivial afterthought

Screaming grows
with each fighter revealed
A perfect market ploy
Amiibos, fleeing from shelves every each day
Soon to be in landfills

This game has no risk or reward
Skill is actively discouraged
For as much as the online's pace is hated,
The offline is just as bad!

Every choice was made by a committee
Determined to get the biggest net buzz
No smart or creative ideas here
In the end, the ballot users weren't paid

Colours weave away from the game's art style
Saturation is set to minus 5
Edgy story mode reeks of humility
Trying to convince edgy teens that Kirby is cool!

As pals join
The movesets get worse
Replicating 1 1
RNG, comeback mechanics are the worst
Don't even start on Steve

This roster is
really lacking
Claims to celebrate all of gaming
But then you have Banjo Kazooie
represented instead of an actual Xbox rep like the Master Chief

This game has barely a whisper of light
Duck Hunt's in it, so that counts for something
Good animation but mostly reused
Good music, but this is not DDR

Marketing wants you to think this game's
roster is as important as Jesus
Probably to distract from bad gameplay
Either way the discourse's blame is to
be pinned on Nintendo and their self-important ads!

Piranha Plant is alleged as a joke
Yet you can get a plush from Toys R Us
No true retro, all decisions by fans
Fixing a mold that was well-broken first

This game is no better than Space Jam 2
Corporate IP showcase number Fifty
Every other platfighter is much better
These IPs should've been public domain years ago!

22 hrs ago

RockosModernLife commented on QuentTheSlayer's list Let's Rock The House Down
Final Boss from McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure

22 hrs ago

RockosModernLife reviewed Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures
Go into it like a normal game and you'll hate it, but go into it as if it's a cartoon made to make you laugh and it's a riot - even if it could do without the minigame sections. The fun really does come from how annoying, stubborn, and narcy the Pacster is and trying to drill some sense into his thick skull. While the name "Pac-Man 2" is a really really dumb localisation thing, of all the non-maze Pac-Man spin-offs, it does feel the most true to the innovative and bold spirit of the original Pac-Man.

1 day ago

4 days ago

PurplePadlock played MultiVersus
Now that the game is officially "out", I can say for certain: this game is really not good. Beyond some of the very, very strange engine quirks - bugs, slow gameplay, odd character weights that fluctuate between being weightless and extremely heavy depending on the situation - the worst part of this game is easily its monetization. It's a free-to-play game so microtransactions are to be expected (unfortunately) but the fact that you only earn the in-game currency by either purchasing it or playing a game mode other than the main one most people actually want to play is insane. Couple that with the fact that you can't even play as the full roster offline or in training... it's hard to really recommend even trying this game out.

It's a shame because a Smash Bros.-styled WB crossover could be really cool, but this game really is not it. The cinematic trailers are honestly the only good thing about this game, which is incredibly sad.

Even if it's not a good game, I honestly suggest playing Cartoon Network: Punch-Time Explosion XL over this one. At the very least it is a full game without microtransactions.

edit: I think the biggest indicator of this game's quality is that they had to [temporarily] remove a playable character after launch. That's not good

4 days ago

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