Got BOTW'd where I stopped playing one day and never had the urge to pick it back up due to feeling overwhelmed... Maybe I'll finish one day but game's without much direction are really really hard for me to complete.

Fantastic game. Loved the traversal, fights, level design, and immersion. Very very excited to play the future entries and had a hard time speeding through this one to get to them, because I enjoyed it so much.

This game is going to be living in my head rent free for a long... long time... Working on the platinum trophy now :)

Some of the most memorable characters, boss fights I've seen in a long time. Just thoroughly enjoyed the whole game. This is the first JRPG that has ever made me want to actually go through NG+ immediately. I'm not burnt out of the game whatsoever. Love the combat, story, and all the Final Fantasy fan service seen throughout. Music is 10/10 as well (no surprise from Soken). Love it.

Amazing, heartwarming game that has so much charm and personality. One of my favorites this year by FAR. Maybe of all time.

Amazing story and thematics explored throughout. Absolutely stellar sound, visual, and character design throughout the entirely. Very very fun gameplay and a cast that is fantastic. Definitely the most enjoyable modern Persona experience I've had and I'm very glad I plat trophied. :)

One of my absolute favorite strategy games ever. It's filled with lots of depth but doesn't overtly require anyone to seek out that depth. You get what you want out of the game and I really like that.

I don't think the story is anything special, but it's pretty high quality and the characters and interactions they have with one another are top notch. I really love the political, philosophical, and humanity themes explored throughout the game via rapports and other story dialogue.

I also fell in love with the art style and atmosphere of the game. Absolutely phenomenal all around. In my personal GOTY contenders list for sure.

If you're a fan of strategy whatsoever, this is a must play.

Biggest complaint is the slow grinding. I'm totally fine with grinding, and even enjoy it, but a lot of the animations are suuuuper slow and just drag on which I don't love. 2000s RPG, totally expected, but really my only complaint.

Story is a good first entry, looking forward to more. Foreshadowing and setup for the following games was really cool, but nothing crazy overall. The segment of the game that focused on Shion/Jr was really cool, and I like the themes discussed there a lot. Looking forward to playing Xenosaga 2 sometime soon!

Really good game. Unfortunately dropped twice for multiple months due to burnout, probably caused by the HORRENDOUS dungeons which ruined the pacing of the game and were just boring overall. Initially wanted to 100% but not sure I have the motivation to get NG+ achievements and spend another 50 hours slogging through dungeons.

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Fantastic addition to the base game with a set of really fun fights and an amazing final boss encounter. Absolutely in love with the soundtrack for this DLC and all the references to Final Fantasy XIV. Really suspicious how similar some of the events and lore are to XIV's world... maybe we'll get a shard confirmation in the next DLC or a crossover event or something...

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Actual peak. Can't wait to see where Xeno goes from here. Really cool callbacks, answers to unanswered questions, and a great balance to saving important plot points for FR and choosing to omit them from base game. Takahashi's masterpiece.