Entertaining game though can be very difficult to play alone specially if you do not know game specific mechanics.
Nothing much to say really.

One of the best roguelikes out there. As terrible of a company as Nicalis is the gameplay in TBoI:R is insanely fun and has an intriguing storyline with many secrets to uncover.

One of the best fighting games out there, with rather fun arcade modes complex combo system and a large variety of unique characters. If you ever want to play a fighting game with tons of depth and a interesting yet convoluted storyline BlazBlue is for you.

Fun game with difficult to master combat and a large variety of loadouts and equipment to fix how you want to play. It can be frustratingly hard at times but if you are dedicated it's a good game.

Although I can't say I've finished it, what I managed to play of it was frankly a lot of fun and the storyline seemed headed down a very interesting path.
One day I'll get back to it but I can say this is something platformer and indie game fans will enjoy a lot.

I would call this the gold standard for Kickstarter games.
It has so much charm and character, that combined with its large variety of mechanics and secrets show how much passion went into this project.
Highly recommended.

One of the best pokemon games out there that manages to stand on its own as a JRPG.
It's a game that has so much detail and love put into it from the music to the story to the presentation.
This doesn't just feel like another pokemon game it is something special on its own.

Imagine Pokemon Black & White but better in every way imaginable.
That's Pokemon Black & White 2.

While not as deep as Pokemon Black & White 1/2, this is the other game in the Pokemon franchise I can say has a great focus on story and characters.
The gameplay itself might not be as strong as other games and be a bit boring at times but its story is so enchanting and heartfelt I couldn't bring myself to give it anything below a 4.0.

The best visual novel I've ever played.
Incredible characters, storyline, interactions, fantastic music and charming yet a bit dated presentation.
There's not much more I can say other than PLEASE go and play it.

I never got to finish Dishonored however what I played of it was a game I really enjoyed and would recommend to many people who are fans of the genre.

One of the better survival sandbox games with an incredibly unique yet charming presentation, overwhelming atmosphere that helps the player get immersed and lots diverse mechanics.

One of the best visual novels out there, with an indepth lore and story, great worldbuilding and a very likable cast of characters. It has its set of flaws but in general it's worth playing for any fan of the genre.

Fate/Hollow Ataraxia has hands down one of the best stories you'll find in any visual novel ever, combined with some of the most entertaining slice of life scenes that not only are hilarious and/or heartwarming but also help deepen the characters of the story.

The singleplayer of the game is a huge downfall, however if you manage to get 3 others friends to play this with it's one of the most fun games you'll ever find, specially with the added workshop content.