Wallet go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Really enjoyable and I recommend it to anyone who is a fan of tactical RPGs or turn-based games.
They have a discord and each developer and mod are extremely helpful and fun to hang out with. (Also great for squading up)
Please note that the game is still technically "early access" so of course there will be issues!


Very promising game and highly recommend it for anyone who was a fan of Phasmo or the horror genre.

Went in full knowing this game was gonna be a meme, In return, I was blessed with a surprisingly fun game. This shit is still fun to play. I recommend it to any rhythm game players

Screw the haters this shit was fun, The double of Handsome Jack was my favorite to play. Out of all the borderlands, this is my favorite one. I never found myself bored and really enjoyed the story.

Regardless of what haters say, I enjoyed the game and had fun playing it. I plan to come back and 100% the game.

Great Story and multiplayer. Needs a third game

Great game, I just don't feel the hype everyone else has when it comes to playing it. Dialogue was fantastic

Really fun game, enjoyed the saber combat just wish it was a bit more open world