Best scribblenauts game. The story isn't a story but still works and makes the game really fun.

I have always heard so much about this game seeing as its 10 years old, but only got around to playing it now. I think that it definitely lives up to most of the hype it gets. It has such an incredible story and characters. The main thing that makes these characters so perfect is that we don't meet many other characters, so we mainly bond with Ellie and Joel. This means there isn't a million different characters to make opinions on. The ending was really good but could've been a tiny bit better. The gameplay is fun and is never boring even though the gameplay never really switches up. I like that in each different encounter you get to pick if you want to just shoot everything and be loud or stealth around and be sneaky. Since I played the Part 1 edition I also played through the DLC which I thought was quite good. The highlight was the Ellie and Riley section whereas the only Ellie sections felt like a filler section of the main game. 1 issue, this game is $120 AUD for a 10 year old game and a short DLC. Yes this is an amazing game but is not worth that much.

The gameplay itself is right on point, Its fast enough, cool enough and satisfying enough but not much switches up leaving it to get repetitive. The story was really boring and I didn't follow it until the end. The bosses are barely bosses aswell.

Haven't read the comics or watched the show so I don't care about Michonne. Boring characters, boring plot and the dumbest choice in the series appears here

I already reviewed the other seasons separate from this but this is my review of the series in total. This is an amazing series with some of the best story I've ever seen in any kind of media. The gameplay is very basic but still fun at times. Definitely had some lacking sections but at the end of the day this is one of the greatest series ever. I played through this with @Tarkzy who left alot more detailed review

Immediately after finishing this season I didn't particularly like it, but after thinking about it for a couple days I'd say this is a really good season. The first 2-3 episodes are quite boring and slow but still hold some amazing characters and plot. But the last two episodes are so so good. The tension and incredibly hard decisions you have to make turn this game really stressful and immersive. The ending was really weird. It felt like the devs couldn't make up their mind on the ending and I didn't really like the Ranch section. Really good, fun and heart warming season

I played this game in VR first. I played in VR with friends and its alot of fun. We got no progress done at all. The cannibals are horrifying at the start in VR but they lose their scariness once you learn how they work. I then beat the game solo and in flat screen. I just wanted to beat the game so I just found the crucial parts needed to beat the game and went and beat it. I didn't know about the two endings and ended up getting the shutdown ending. I don't get scared by much but the one thing that does scare me is child horror so the ending for this actually scared me somewhat. The gameplay is alright but its all a bit slow. You run out of stamina too fast and are constantly walking and the combat is slow. The endings are all right and the concept is cool. Might give Sons of the forest a go after beating this one.

Only played campaign. The story is really boring and the characters are really forgettable. The gunplay just feels weird and I don't really like it but it works. Missions are not memorable whatsoever

This was quite a good game but it felt like quite a fresh start as compared to season 2 which picks off after season 1 with the same characters. The new characters were alright but the highlight was Javier. The other characters were alright and some were really forgettable. This led to not much sadness or tough decision making. The story was alright but in the end its a part of this amazing series so that's why it gets a somewhat high rating

The only black ops with no zombies. The campaign is boring and slow. The mulitplayer is dead and basic. The worst part of this game is that the controls are really bad. Having to touch the screen to perform actions is so unintuitive.

Only played the campaign but a pretty good game and campaign

Storm of steel - 6.5/10 Pretty good for a tutorial and nice homage to the war

Through Mud and Blood 4/10 Way too long, boring characters and slow gameplay

Friends In High Places 8/10 Really good characters, fun plane gameplay and running on top of blimp is insane. Although the planes can be a bit repetitive. The stealth part and the carrying wilson sections feel so cool

Avanti Savoia 6.5/10 being a juggernaut is always cool and I like that it was narrated by the guy but in the future but not much that sticks out

The Runner 5/10 Characters are the only cool thing, besides that its a boring and repetitive mission

Nothing is written 7.5/10 I like the open world part where you choose where to go but its nothing crazy still a fun level

Really good game, just gets a bit boring towards the end but picks up again at the finale. incredible movement and incredible combat. Ending was lacking though

No campaign but blackout was alright. Zombies maps were wayyy too much. Multiplayer was lacking aswell. only positive is 4 free zombies maps


welcome to the underground, how was the fall.