Platinum but with a bit more character

I started playing through this game a while ago but stopped once I got to a boring spot in the game. Me and my best friend decided to play through this game together to get it off of both our backlogs and so we did. After beating this game I'm glad I finally beat it after all these years. The combat and worlds in this game are near perfect and the characters all have their unique feel. I loved the tension of wondering what ability you would unlock in each planet and how it would change the way you interacted with things you would just previously walk past. However the only reasons that this game isn't a 5 is that I don't like the fact that each level is just: cross across this massive map, Grab something you need and then run all the way back because there is no fast travel. Fast travel would probably half the playtime of this game but it felt so unnecessary at times. The second reason is the ending, I haven't played Jedi survivor so I don't know how this story continues but I really didn't like the ending and would have personally changed it.

I always heard so much praise for this game, so when I finally got the option to play it I immediately did. Now I thought the first bit of the game was quite good but then there became so many cutaways from the main objective that I got bored and put down the game for a bit. Then I forced myself to play to the end and I really liked the end section. I don't personally think this game is perfect but its still very worth playing

I heard so much praise for the first game and heard so much bad stuff about this game but after finally being able to play these games, I'd honestly have to say this one is better. The story and characters are so much deeper but you still have a crazy connection with both of them. Then learning both sides of the story really makes the ending feel so gut wrenching. The ending was the only reason that this game isn't perfect because it was so lacking. But the gameplay and characters are so much better and this game needs to stop being hated on

Just a DLC but I love Lucas in smash

The game that turns normal people into predators.

Anyways I really like this games HD graphics and they are arguably better then ultimate

I never actually talked to a single person on this app, but it's such a cool and quirky little local messaging app. I wish newer consoles had cool things like this built in

Best one because you get control of an army, fight vader and get a really cool lightsaber

Good intro episode but bland combat

This game has my exact humor and I like the 'Games' ending and playing other games wrong. Too many endings. If this game was just the broom closet it would be 5 stars

Game of the year for sure. Story is 10x better then the first game and Miles Morales but the ending isn't better than the first game. The intro is so goddamn good and nearly compares to something like breath of the wilds perfect intro. The new glide mechanics feel so clean and the swinging is just perfect. I love combo-ing the air jumps and dashes with tricks, swinging and diving to gain incredible speed. The character development is Crazy although I wish we got more about Miles as it is a Peter dominant story. MJ sections in the first game sucked, they were slow boring and tedious but they're actually fun in this one. Instead of being forced to do slow stealth, you can run at them and blast through the sections. Peters symbiote was obviously put in to have him somewhat compare to miles and his venom powers but it still feels fun and fluent to use. Miles has some of the greatest character development I've ever seen.

Graphics have aged very weirdly. This game gives you the choice of fighting every enemy or stealthing but makes the stealth really hard and only like 1 path for you to take. I saw the plot twist coming from a mile away and the flood district was just annoying. But the Combat feels pretty nice however if you upgrade your gun enough you can just spam it and beat most combat sections. I wasn't too invested in the story but it was pretty interesting and decent. I just didn't really know who I was killing or their significance. stealth is simple but gold. Finally, the blink ability is perfect and made this game so much better.

I'm sure this is a good shooter game and was fun in it's time but its impossible to learn nowadays because of how insanely good everyone is. Sfm youtube poop

I really like this games gameplay and art style and it feels really smooth to play