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7 hrs ago

chandler commented on Uni's review of La-Mulana
as for frustration - i think that lays exclusively with the boss fights lol

12 hrs ago

chandler commented on Uni's review of La-Mulana
i see where you're coming from, but my argument towards brute forcing not being an issue is twofold

1. i think just about every puzzle in anything can be theoretically brute-forced. i'd argue this isn't necessarily a problem depending on the nature of the puzzle - figuring out something exceptionally crafty in a game like portal would just give a sense of accomplishment. however...

2. la mulana's ultimate riddles require knowledge of the entire puzzle ecosystem, and misunderstanding any of them is grounds to fuck up everything. in this way, i see your brute-force method to just be another one of the ruins' many traps

i won't deny that la mulana is a game that heavily revolves around cryptic nes-era shenanigans (trying every damn thing in every room before moving on), but i think its strength is in telegraphing what those things are. i can't really think of an instance in the game where i found a solution and went "oh come on" over it. because of this i also believe screenshotting in the game is pretty overkill. i think la mulana thrives on the tech it was designed around - pen and paper. just as much of the strategy in figuring out the puzzles is in how skilled and concise of a notetaker you are. if you keep track of everything so thoroughly via annotated pictures it spoils a lot of that indiana jones esque charm imo and even gives you more excessive shit to shuffle through

i think if i was as meticulous as you were, i'd have found the game somewhat dull too

12 hrs ago

goznog backloggd Dreamstudio

18 hrs ago

18 hrs ago

goznog backloggd Shining Soul

18 hrs ago

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