Pretty solid campaign w/ some nice sound design to it. Also looks pretty good as far as 8th-gen CoD goes.

Terrible story, goofy missions. Was pretty decent as far as CoD campaigns go. Some setpieces were notably pretty mediocre though.

I can't believe Akira Toriyama is burning in hell because no one bought his game

If this actually took you longer than 20 hours to beat, you might just be bad at games

Finally hit my 2.0 k/d for MP, took a hot minute cause it plummeted immensely when camo-grinding as well as deliberately reverse-boosting just to see how bad it could possibly get at low-elo (example: )

The MP this year is made for the sweatiest of tryhards (i.e. people who spend time in-between games optimizing the shit out of a loadout to create something absolutely bullshit to play against)
This means if you also like to take the game little too seriously, be prepared to play against iron sight/1x sight "quickscopers" as well as people who abuse the hell out of peeker's advantage who will laser you in sub-300ms.
That's not to say that these are the only types of players you'll come across but if you strive to be decent at this game, there is a lot of corny behavior you will come across.

Netcode being mediocre and SBMM being strict are still the same old, it is what it is.

Generally, I like it. The MP is made pretty reactionary to MWII's where the meta there was to either camp or dropshot every kill. I enjoy what SHG's doing with the MP aside from making snipers OP as shit.

It's cool, definitely earned it's badass seal of approval(this is real, I still remember this from when I was 12 for some reason)

Pretty solid, liked it enough to get all achievements. The late-game could be better(enemy variety, story rushes itself, exploration being rather fruitless later on) and it's very easy to get obscenely overpowered if you're a more thorough player. Post-game is pretty cool but doesn't have too much content going for it.
Judging by how piss-easy the game gets, I imagine this has a BBI-esque expansion that was being worked on simultaneously with core dev but we'll have to wait and see.

Played this with my buddy's girlfriend 20-odd months ago and she locked up when a QTE happened resulting in me blank-face staring at the screen as I slowly lost lives getting ready to get my R1 card out while she was looking over at my buddy saying "What am I supposed to do?"
Something to think about

Campaign is absolutely ridiculous, worth playing just for the final mission alone though

SBMM makes the MP exhausting to play. It does not feel like I have a 1.68 k/d with how often I'm put into games that I have to force myself to sweat in just for an even k/d by the end. 10v10 is complete freelo lol
It's a shame the MP feels like this cause the core gameplay is a massive improvement from MW2, that said you still fall victim to horrid netcode. Bullet stacking/inconsistent TTD, peeker's advantage, dying after moving well into cover.
When it's fun, it's quite fun. When it's not, it's miserable and frustrating.

Zombies can be as engaging as you want it to be, either not at all or relatively tense. I actually kind of like chasing achievements so it gives me something to do and it's a stress-free gun grind.
As is tradition for zombies, the randoms are braindead. I take mild amusement in being a dick to the random people asking for revives.

I wouldn't say the campaign is outright shit, but it is very lazy. Personally I did prefer this over MW22's campaign for not being a complete pain to play on Vet

Overall I'd say the game's a 5 or 6. Needs some ironing out. I'd like to hope SHG can make the MP more bearable, they did with Vanguard imo. I'm one of maybe 50 people that liked that game's mp by the end of it.

Only really worth playing for the setting

More of the same with a couple new weapons, rooms, and the grapple shit. Ada's va still sounds pretty bad though.

Messy performance and the main story is kind of whatever but overall, it's pretty thoroughly enjoyable. I liked it enough where I only have 1 achievement left to get for completion and that's not something I'd ever expected myself to do for a Bethesda game. If you want to waste time doing everything the game has to offer, it can be pretty chill.

Side note, it was extremely funny marrying Sarah and then immediately divorcing her so I could move on to Andreja's quest. Even funnier when I realized that I could remarry Sarah after she stopped being so pissed at me.

Brilliant. Before I even read the steam description that says "inspired by the Wario Land series" I already had that idea in the back of my head just watching the trailer.