It's worth a play, I wouldn't blame you for dropping it halfway though

PD2 was fine at launch but I cannot recommend anyone play this now. Even with all the content updates, the game still feels like a game from 2013 with tons of eurojankiness. If a game requires mods to improve/fix the issues the game has, it's just not a very good one at it's core. You can have fun with this if you have friends but it simply doesnt hold up very well. I regret wasting 101 hours on this

Perfect in my eyes. Story is good, the characters are unique, the music is terrific, and the artsyle is pleasing. The gameplay itself can be rather simple and shallow although it doesn't do anything inherently wrong that immediately comes to mind so it's not a terribly big deal.

Innovative, a fantastic game for vr but not quite a very compelling game overall. That said this is still a must for any vr library.

Boneworks is fully physics based and is fun to screw around in but once you've played 5 or so hours of it, you've essentially seen most of what it offers.

This game is made for vr "veterans" meaning it can be pretty unforgiving for people who haven't yet become accustomed to vr.

Probably one of the most "complete" vr experiences out there but I wasn't really gushing over it. It's okay, had it's moments but generally lacks replay value outside of custom maps. It's a very competently made game in the sense of visual/audio design but in Valve's pursuit of trying to make this game accessible for as many as possible, I think it doesn't really make full use of what you can do with the medium. If you played Boneworks first, you'll know exactly what Im talking about.

Good game, heavily overrated. It's just another half life game except vr. It's pretty much exactly how you'd expect it to be except you never get that whole typical HL arsenal, you get a pistol, shotgun, smg, and grenades you can store in your pockets. It's a worthwhile game to experience but don't expect it to be the best game ever.

AAA vr is a once in a while kind of thing so I can see why this game gets the praise it does.

A competent title, very impressive feat for such a small dev team. Charming game although it is rather short

Fantastic game, it's really just normal boxing in vr. Relies on you at least being competent in terms of boxing skill

Fantastic entry-level title for vr. This is one of those games you show to people to give them a good first time for vr. Not a long game but it's thoroughly enjoyable.

The gameplay is simple with a pretty high difficulty curve. Eventually you'll run out of the included tracks so be sure to mod this and get a bunch of custom songs. When I was really into this game I probably lost 2 or 3 pounds

I enjoyed it. The gameplay was just about exactly what I wanted out of it. Story was a very simple one with simple themes behind it. It's wasn't anything compelling that "told a message" or was saying anything so dull as "revenge bad". It's not something that people need to overthink. Just look at the characters and acknowledge that people are flawed and liable to be driven by emotion

I'd say that I got my money's worth and I can only really say that for maybe 3 other games I got in 2020

I don't know the specific dates for each playthrough, but yes, I have beaten this game 7 times


Terrific. The art, music, and story are all great. The gameplay is your basic rpg maker game with a couple gimmicks so don't expect too much in that department. The combat is mostly easy provided you don't avoid combat and level your characters up adequately.

It's pretty much Cod in VR minus the perks. It's quite nice. Also the recoil is handled like recoil and not like Pavlov where the recoil is actual goddamn CSGO spray after the first few shots.

Simple game to get into although there are a lot of tryhards. Unless you already have good experience with vr shooters, you will get shit on in your first few games. Sadly there's no real way to tell the skill range of whatever lobby you're besides just looking at the scoreboard or seeing if the lobby is marked Competitive. If you're a new player and you see a Comp Control or Bomb Defusal game, stay away. You will get insta-domed by someone jumping around corners with a G36C.

Also like Cod, this game has some blatant meta weapons. G36C, AK5C, MK18 are rifles that stick out as particularly strong. Shotguns are meh and smgs are only good if you have faith in your ability to land headshots. If you're playing on a WW2 lobby, most people will be using the Thompson or PPSH. The latter is busted, just way too OP.

Map selection could use a bit of work, none are particularly bad(besides Hideout) it's just that playing on the same set of maps can get pretty old. If you're on the PC version then there are custom maps you can download although I dont see any custom lobbies up very often.
Spatial audio could also use a little work too, it can get pretty confusing on some maps with elevated points as it doesnt really tell you too well if someone is above or below you.

I'm eager to see how this title further evolves as it's still an early access title. The steam page doesnt list it as early access anymore but it's still on like 0.81.1 or something like that so theres still some shit coming along the way.

I didn't buy into the hype much and I'm still disappointed. For me, it's just another open-world game. I didn't care too much for the story and I'm sure that impacted some of my enjoyment of it but I don't care enough to consider giving it another playthrough