Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 22, 2021

Platforms Played



I got a digital code of this for Christmas in 2019 and just never got around to it until now. I was expecting a solid and fun mini-game collection, and in that regard, you could suppose it does its job with mini-games. They function well enough! However, the game hardly kept my positive attention throughout its slog of a story mode, with unskippable cutscenes and a thoroughly uninteresting two-tone storyline. Mini-games are either piss easy, frustrating, or just really boring.

About the nicest thing about this game I can say is that it's not broken and it looks pretty. If this was a $30 budget title, I'd probably be a bit kinder to it. It's full-price and was rushed to a deadline that was already months before the event that was supposed to happen, but didn't. The result is a high-effort yet ultimately dry-feeling collection of sports mini-games.