it has its clunky moments and like 2 levels can drag, but holy damn this is still one of the most magical games i've played to date. the level design and atmosphere is unmatched in the realm of 3d platformers, and the music is forever memorable

holy shit this was a fantastic surprise!! so rarely do you see such a fun pick-up-and-play battle puzzler with so much personality crammed into it. the music is top-notch and it's one of the more manageable single-player puzzle campaigns i've seen

this was a surprisingly solid game! it has screen crunch problems for sure and the music is nowhere near as good as the gb version but i mean, there's worse things to blow 30 minutes on

one of the best playstation 1 gamrs ever made. change my mind

it was obtuse, overwhelming, sometimes just plain annoying, sometimes just plain cryptic. i am very glad i played it that was an emotional journey and beating bosses on the brink of death is just the most satisying thing ever