Great storytelling on all 3 of the characters sides. The many many ways you can replay the game make you want to pick a personality for one of the characters during a playthrough. Wanted to see what would happen if Connor was Protocol only. Best playthrough.

Multiple playthroughs, So much time following traffic laws and blowing up Hos...bad guys. The time I had with Nico Bellic was the best bowling experience I've ever had. (Cheats are now on cellphone ;) )


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Best Roguelite I've ever played honestly. Great story.
Excalibur was the cherry on top

This game was a very correct way of rebooting a franchise. This game is action PACKED and I loved the tombs that were discoverable. Lara will forever be a bad ass and walking through cool temples is always a good time

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This game toyed with me emotionally and mentally. Dad of Boy and head had me addicted for more fantastic combat and story. I visited the blacksmith too often just to see if Brok had something new to say. Mimir is best tutorial girl.

DMC at it's finest. being able to play with 4 different fighters all with a completely different set of skills and weapons really makes you feel like a machine when learning how to combo different techniques together. Music is absolutely amazing. Casey Edwards dunks it for this game.
Great backstory into the Characters as well.

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A fantastic comeback for Classic Sonic. Nostalgia thanks Christian Whitehead. Played through it 5 times just to see how fast I could get through. Great time, Story wasn't a priority to me here. Loved the Chaos Emerald chase minigames

It's literally the first game but instead of earning loot boxes you must pay for everything. Promises taken away and the only reason why this would be deserving of a 1.5 the .5 next to the 1 is for Kiriko.
Gameplay can be fun af when you have a good balanced team.

I've only ever beaten this game once and I can't remember when that was. I've played it but not beaten it many times. Still probably the most Iconic Zelda game ever and it's story was explosive for it's time. Ganondorf is one of the best villains ever. Love this game.