I kinda hate this genre but as a Bleach fan I enjoyed the story.

Slept on platformer, honestly. Surprisingly fun and not at all bad. A hint of jank but nothing you can't work with.

I like this one more than most people care to. Has my favorite tune.

Don't let anyone convince you there's appeal even for the biggest of fans. There isn't. There is nothing for you here.

Had fun with this as a kid but man it sucks.

This came actually fucked back in the day but its hard as hell.

50% of the time AVGN reviews a game negatively, he simply exaggerates the negative aspects for comedic effect.

This is not one of those games. This game is well and truly hot garbage. I would rather play Superman 64 from start to finish.

This game was and is a fun time. Nice, fun, short game to waste a little time with.

This game sucks but I kinda like playing it for some reason?

Not a very good game but the music fucks.

Cool in concept, plays just fine, but needs a lot of work. Too bad the devs abandoned it.

Not bad at all, atmosphere and world design is lovely, but it needs a lot of work.