22 reviews liked by FrogCass

For a long time New Vegas stood as "One of the best games I've never finished". Well I have fixed that now. One of the best RPGs ever designed and a game that feels like it shouldn't exist. Yet it does, and it manages to still be one of the most thought provoking and well written pieces of media I have had the privilege of experiencing.

love these funky little lesbians. these sappholopods

Notably better gunplay and level design is brought down by a story that is at its best nonexistant and nonsensical (who are the 40th Day? Who is Jonah? Why is any of this happening?) and at it's worst needlessly edgy for shock value. The late 2000s trend of Morality Systems can be found at it's absolute lowest point here in Army of Two The 40th Day.

in a word; dire. the most rancid and embarrassing american sentiment of the war on terror wrapped up in terrible feeling 3rd Person Shooting. You literally go to Afghanistan on September 12th to personally destroy Al Qaeda. Subtext is dead and we have blind fired at him, gaining aggro all the while.

Black Mesa can't really ever replace the original Half-Life because of how special the original game is to me, but the spectacle of Black Mesa makes it worthwhile. A lovingly crafted remake, and the splendor of Xen is absolutely excellent.

a fun co-op experience that is mired with bugs, near constant crashing, and a campaign that is both shockingly short and starts a lot stronger than it ends. casting big beams and throwing big rocks is always a lot fun

I livestreamed myself playing this with my good friend FrogCass on the day that the servers for this game and The 40th Day were to go down. It is probable that we are the last two people to play this game online all the way through.

Definitely the best of the trilogy, even if they took out just about all the mechanics that made Army of Two stand out from other co-op shooters of the era. The aggrometer, back to back and fistbumping are all gone, but the overall gunplay is significantly better, to the point where the play experience is a more enjoyable time.

The story remains about as trash as the previous Army of Two games, and manages to be littered with more homophobia and bad jokes than before. Big Boi is here for some reason, but they couldn't get André 3000, so instead known flat earther B.O.B. completes the faux Outkast that act as your support crew in this game. Alpha and Bravo manage to have even less characterisation than Rios and Salem and every single woman in this franchise manages to get killed before the credits roll. Overall a miserable story that has the gall to end on a sequel tease.

I enjoyed the memes that came from my friends watching me play. But man, the gameplay did not age well. Brilliant story though.

this game is so faithful to Bloodborne & the PSX era of gaming. Obviously, as a modern game, it has some updates that probably wouldn't be there back in the day, but it's such an amazing way to experience one of my favourite games.