My mind will never be free of these robot lesbians (positive)

Perfect puzzles, the right mix between satisfying and complicated. I wish it was longer!

I got so scared I slapped myself in the eyes.


A dreary, dull, uncomfortable game that has nothing to say but fuck you. I respect the hell out of it.

She bolt on my gun til I horus heresy

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It captures the spirit of Star Trek well, but was a bit disappointing in the rushed ending and the shallow characters.

This game has done more damage to the Star Wars franchise than anything Disney has made.

I thought the werehog would be hotter

Respawn knows what Star Wars needs. More little freaks!

A good balance of humour and interesting additions. It doesn’t outstay its welcome, which is very refreshing

A bit long, but every time I roundhouse kick a zombie I smile :)