The professional opinion of a non-professional organist

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Context: The Happy Mask Salesman teaching Link the Song of Healing

You'll notice I had to write "context" there rather than "tracks" as I have been for the entire rest of the list. The reason for this is simple; There is no organ in the Majora's Mask soundtrack. In a classic scene, the Happy Mask Salesman seems to materialize a full organ console (three manuals, and six piano pedals? It's a strange configuration) out of thin air, which is hilarious and a great way to further characterize his mysterious absurdity. Unfortunately, the organ... Makes piano sounds? This organ is not an organ. It has pipes and several keyboards, but that sure sounds like a hammer hitting a string to me. And to make it worse, he never actually plays the thing, not in any kind of meaningful way; he plays a total of three notes four times, likely using just a single finger to plunk away at them one-by-one. This is also hilarious, to summon such a massive instrument for such a trivial application, but unfortunately it does make this the absolute worst instance of a pipe organ in video game history - and like how Final fantasy VI will likely stay at the top forever, this will likely stay at the bottom forever as well (at least, I sure hope nobody discovers a worse way to use one).



1 year ago

Leaving a comment today to commemorate 100 entries. PIPE ORGAN LIST WILL NEVER DIE!!!

1 year ago

8/26/2022 - just hit 150 entries....... PIPE ORGAN LIST WILL NEVER DIE!!!

1 year ago

1/11/2023 - 200 entries and going strong. PIPE ORGAN LIST WILL NEVER DIE!!!

9 months ago

As a fledgling composer, fucking incredible list and the best list I've seen on this website so far. Following for this alone so I don't lose this list.

9 months ago

@Mr_SU I live to serve

9 months ago

this list fucking rules. LOVE your notes. amazing

9 months ago

@DIOXYRIBOSE thank you so much
This is it. The greatest list on all of Backloggd.

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