kept me sane when my dad cut my internet :(

A beautiful and peaceful little world. The movement is a joy, and the implied, silent stories are meaningful to witness. The first playthrough is the best.

All the gameplay elements are completely free to experience, it's just the cooler cosmetics that are paid, which I don't have a problem with. I'm happy to support the developers whenever I have the means. There is a little bit of FOMO about it, with the most interesting cosmetics being limited time, but most of them do come back around.

After a few dozen times through the realms, tedium begins to set in a bit. You've experienced everything and continue to log on day after day just to grind for currency for the next limited cosmetics. But it's much better with friends along, and really, this is made to be a social game. I've had some insanely fun moments playing this game with my friends, laughing our asses off at our little moth kids doing various shenanigans to each other.

As for meeting randos, the mostly wordless communication system and peaceful nature of the game means there is very little in the way of toxicity. Players will most likely help you out when you need it. Overall a very nice game, and in my opinion, especially good for winding down to go to sleep.

Someday... someday, Florida II will be complete.

I started playing this game a couple years after its release and subsequent popularity. Though I was late to the party, I enjoyed it nonetheless. I was living in a different state at the time, in the middle of a cold winter that I was not at all used to, being raised in Florida. This game let me have my own little slice of home I could pull out whenever I needed it. The customization is its biggest flex. I can, will, and have spent hours using the custom design function to pixel-paint my own artwork so I can then wear it or display it or even slap it on an existing item. The reason it isn't full-stars is because, well, it is tedious at times. If you have multiple of one personality of villager on your island, it kinds ruins the magic seeing the same dialogs over and over for both of them. But these are far from enough to ruin it for me.

(Also I love playing this while listening to the front bottoms or the mountain goats, it gives me such good brain damage from the whiplash highly recommend)

I know, I know, anime gambling game. But LISTEN. HEAR ME OUT.

The world is MASSIVE. There are ALWAYS new updates coming out. The character swap-based game play has you always looking for new synergies between elements and character abilities. Each character has something different going for them.
The art, design, and worldbuilding is incredible. There is such detail put into every corner of this game, that I honestly wonder if anyone could ever experience 100% of it. And again, it's constantly expanding. The monster design is a highlight for me. I absolutely LOVE the hilichurls. Everything has a backstory, and I just can't wrap my mind around how much work was put into all of it.
The story is also something I'm eager to see continue to unfold. The way a question gets answered, just to leave you with three more, keeps me theorizing and scraping for more. I certainly picture myself continuing to play this game till the end of its life.

In short: incredible gameplay, design, and worldbuilding, and an interesting story. Half a star tragically taken for way too many jiggly boobs in my face (i play genshin for the plot, and I MEAN it), the occasional annoying voiceovers, and the recent incredibly long and wordy world quests. Aside from those nitpicks, it's free, it's fun, it's beautiful, and it's MASSIVE.

An extraordinarily beautiful game with a fantastic setting and challenging yet satisfying gameplay. I love these little bugs. I also love the way the story isn't specified or fed to you; it's all laid out in little corners across the world that you can attempt to piece together if you so choose to.

It's a common theme among games I enjoy to feature a post-apocalyptic world with a focus on light vs dark. That, plus little bugs with swords? Ooh yeah, baby. That's the stuff.

I first started playing Minecraft in 2013. It came at just the right time for me; I'd moved far from my hometown and didn't know anyone locally. It's continued to be a game I return to over and over again. Whenever I need it most, there it is.

Of every game I've played, somehow minecraft has always been the most immersive to me. I forget I'm even playing the game sometimes; it's just me and the world I'm building. What Vanilla gets wrong, the modding scene more than makes up for. The fact that it continues to come back again and again as the world's most popular game is a testament to the endless creative nature of it. There's always something new to love, and the only limit is your own mind.