Masterpiece. Just go play this game

Worst game ever, can't stop playing.
Worst game ever, can't stop paying.
Worst game ever, can't stop the pain.

Cool game. Nice combat system, slower than Bayonetta but the movesets have way more variety.
If you wanna try an hack 'n' slash, you should definitely check this out.


Tunic is a love letter to the series of The Legend of Zelda (with a bit of soulslike in the formula). I loved this game from start to finish. The puzzles, the soulslike combat system, the art direction, even the in game manual are all amazing element that makes this game the perfect tribute.
The only flaw the game has in my opinion is the camera management when locking an enemy.

Amazing idea, bad realization

Cool game. Nice combat system, slower than Bayonetta but the movesets have way more variety.
If you wanna try an hack 'n' slash, you should definitely check this out.

The Talos Principle is more like an experience rather than a game.
This is one of those games that once completed leaves you with a void inside and makes you think "man".
After completing it 100% I have so many things to say, but I'd prefer to let the reader play it and "feel it" firsthand.
Hopefully the DLC and the sequel are up to the task.

[Campaign] Levels are long and boring and sometimes it's hard to pick up the game and play, but the characters are cool so it was quite enjoyable.

Well, I started the game during the day one, and after 30 hours I dropped it. It's simply boring and forgettable. The planets are desert for kilometers and the POIs are all the same 2 or 3 structures. The UI is slow and badly organized. And everything is interspersed with a loading screen, to the point that flying with the ship becomes meaningless.


Well, it's a prety nice remastered version of the original Borderlands GOTY, but they could have added better controls like the free camera while being in a vehicle.

For the rest, it's still the good old Borderlands. The first chapter of the series isn't exactly aged well: the story is bland, tecnically it's dated and artistically, well, it's the less colorful game in the series.
But somehow it got me hooked, and I enjoyed every minute of my first run.
Also this game has the merit oof having defined the looter shooter genre, which is cool even if it was still raw.

The 4 DLCs are nice expansions too the game, but their quality is fluctuating.

Hellblade is quite a singoular experience. The main concept is exploring Senua's mind while discovering her story and her mission for redemption. Definitely a unique storytelling, especially because of the Norse setting, which also which also acts as a subject for the screenshots you will take, thanks to the wonderful technical section (there is also an in-game photo mode).

However, the gameplay is quite bland: it mainly consists of following the predetermined path and solving simple puzzles. If you really want, you can collect all the recordings to get a special achievement, but this seems to be more like a little extra added to the top of the formula rather than a challengge that makes you want to complete it.
Other than that, there's the combat system, which is quite poor as well: light attack, heavy attack, parry, dodge and camera locked on a single enemy. Everything ok, but the animations are way too slow even for a slow paced game like this. It seems like the developers originally implanted in the game a soulslike combat system but then they changed their mind, directing everything in favor of scenography rather than gameplay, which is totally fine, but in some instances it's difficult to properly respond to what's happening on the screen.

Overall, Hellblade is like a 1:1 transposition of a movie into a game: it's visually amazing and completely immerses you in its story, but it leaves behind the advantages of the medium.
I recommend to try it.