I am in love with this game.
I beat it in an hour, it's a short platformer with a lot of style and artistic vision that knows what it wants to do.
The hour I spent exploring was the best and it felt like a second, the game is the perfect length and is very pretty looking; also that OST is SO GOOD

Not really feeling it, I understand the thing about the complete freedom but I'm a bird-brained gamer and need to know where to go.
Still, fun for a bit until I got bored

I've been on and off with this game for literal years so in my never ending quest of clearing my always filled backlog I decided to play a Yu-Gi-Oh game, expecting something along the line of the later entries.
Boy was I in for a jump of quality.
The game is ok, the rules for the game are the GX era so no Synchros and Tuners, the setting is fun and the characters are well presented, but it's a GRIND. The game doesn't give you much money and your starter deck sucks which means you grind for money, EXP and you have no clue how to start any events; you don't even have a main mission, just go to class and hope something happens after you duel everyone a lot.
I think the Dueling Academy has a lot of potential as a setting, with something along the lines of Persona where you build up your character as both a student and a Duelist, going on adventures with Judai and Co.
Here you just duel a bunch to see how your character kinda fits in the overall story of early GX.
Honestly the 5D's era games are better, with in my opinion more fun duel mechanics, a tight story, a better character creation and overall better quality.

It's not a bad game, but not great. It certainly showed me how spoiled I got from Stardust Accelerator.

Cute, a bit floaty platformer that reminded me of a Rare game for some reason.
The artstyle is ok, the robot it cute and the mechanics are easily understandable.

There's something to this game, the feeling of uneasyness it gave me, the creeps it created, the hairs at the back of my neck it pulled up that got me to continue it until the ending, my first and only of the game, ending 6.
Or that's what I thought.
I spent the remainder of the day thinking about this game and eventually caved in and went for all endings. A pretty incredible experience, I was fascinated by the story, the mistery, the horror; only downside being the last achievement being buggy on Steam, which means the game doesn't care how much I try it won't give it to me.
I did not buy the DLC so no porn scenes for me, but this is not an eroge; the feeling of madness, losing control and of something greater being against you permeates the whole thing.
It's one of those games you keep thinking on days after you finish it.

The game looks very good, when you are not moving.
As soon as Postmouse moves you can see his animations slide through the terrain; the controls are also clunky which means the idea of you being a small mouse looking at everyday objects as giant versions of them gets overshadowed by the cons of the game

The fact I could say anything and the NPCs answers are good enough is actually kind of surprising; the whole idea of you talking to NPCs is quite cute.
Being thrown into the crime scene though was not my favourite beginning and I got bored before I finished it.

I played it when it came out, I was all about the series so spent a lot of time with it but no money (thank God).
Nowadays I think I'd get bored of it

I thought having a managerial sim in a post apocalyptic world with cute anime girls could be fun, so imagine my Pikachu face when the first sex scene came on.
It feels like Fallout Shelter meets Flash porn game, it's a meh game with mechanics based on time, tokens and spending money.

the presentation and UI is good. That's mainly why I give it 2 stars.
The game is very weird with its word selection to the point it took me out of the story, so I think I'll just put the game down.

Unlike a classic visual novel, there are no routes here; it's a 30 minute VN that just wants to tell a story, the story of "The Dandelion Girl" which is actually a short science fiction story.
Even though the music was simple and the art was nothing to write home about, the story really touched me, but is it a merit of the VN or of the original author from 1961? Because of this doubt I could not give it 4 stars, just 3.5

The idea is cute, the voice acting is allright, it's only arena and no story whatsoever but the animations are surprisingly good; I just suck at playing FPSs without a controller.

A dungeon crawler with some managerial aspects, kind of survival but not quite.
Honestly, I understand why some people might like it, but it's not my style of game; still, the artstyle is fun, the UI looks good and the BGM is nice.


Game is only online so no shooting on your own; after 3 minutes waiting I gave up at finding a match.
Patience is not one of my virtues and the fact this game does NOT let you use a controller might have steered me into the direction of just letting it go.

Cool music for the menu tho.


Finished it in 15 minutes, it's a very easy and relaxed platformer about (I guess) a forest spirit.
The mechanics are very simple, the story is non existent and while the design for the main character is nice the overall art design is nothing out of the ordinary.