I'll keep playing because of how much of a sucker I am for the world of Final Fantasy VII, but as a game it's not great.
The character design and aesthetics is really good and the cutscenes are at the same level of the recent Remake and Crisis Core Reunion.
The combat system is simplified from the already very intuitive classic FF7 system although I had some connectivity problems where the combat would lag a bit. That plus the absence of voice acting if not for the beginning narration by Sephiroth made me enjoy the beginning of my adventure a bit less.
The stories are done in a way where you jump from narrative to narrative, for example stopping the original FF7 storyline to Cloud's first meeting with Aerith and then jumping to the beginning of Crisis Core.
The gacha is atrocious with a stamp system that is just vile.
Overall is an ok-ish game, I'll keep playing to relive the trauma that is the FF7 timeline and to see what they do with the new story for Young Sephiroth.


Got it on PsPlus.
Discovered I'm not really into puzzle games thanks to it.
Cute game with an interesting mechanic anyways

A short but very charming game with good game mechanics, a nice feel to the gun play and a fun story where you don't know wether the narrator is bullshitting you or not.
Fun and short, which is nice

Don't know why but spidey just kept going up into the stratosphere whenever I tried to swing so that made the game pretty unbearable and boring to play

You can unlock comic books and the cutscenes themselves are like dubbed comics so they are kinda cool; other than that is a generic card game with DC heroes and villains.

Meh at best.

for today is ok, for the time it literally revolutionized the genre.
Found and arcade that ACTUALLY had it and got destroyed by CPU Chun-Li, really made me feel like a kid again.

Not really feeling it, I understand the thing about the complete freedom but I'm a bird-brained gamer and need to know where to go.
Still, fun for a bit until I got bored

An Ok but very short beat em up, gets repetitive a bit too quickly which is a problem considering you could beat this on a single sitting.
It's a cute addition to the Final Fantasy XV mythos but gives nothing to the larger Final Fantasy XV narrative

Similar in execution to something like Papers Please, you are a newly annointed Grim Reaper and have to choose who lives and who dies.
The narrative is fun although not precisely exciting, the different endings are interesting and the overall use of the gameplay for narrative purposes is very well done.
I enjoyed this little game.

It was a birthday gift and what a gift! It was scary to play them at first, the AC fandom talked about this trilogy as the second coming of Christ.
The first game was fun, with a nice story and cool characters (as an italian, seeing historic figures this way was awesome), however Brotherhood felt a bit too short (the final story mission felt really rushed) and I didn't like how open the parts near the Colosseum were.
My feelings for Ezio would change once again while playing Revelations, my favourite of the three: Istanbul is a beautiful city, the ties between Ezio and Altair are really cool and to see an older Ezio reflect on everything that has happened to him was incredible to watch.
I'd say the whole trilogy is pretty good, but out of the three, revelations keeps my love (except for the first person platforming, that was such a dumb thing to put in the game)

A very fun rythm game that I started mainly because of Vocaloid but ended up loving every group present.
It's fun but it's a gacha with a horrible grind for crystals in order to pull, but if you don't care about the gacha it's a very good rythm game.

Such a great game, the cars handle well and is so fun to just destroy the other racers' cars

It's dumb mecha fun.
The story is just an excuse to blow stuff up while you (second President of New Japan and teenage anime girl Shoko) pilot the Infinite Stratos-looking mech known as the Liberator.
The gameplay is fun, blowing stuff up with missiles and lasers never gets old and while it does not get to the levels of bullet hell of things like Toho, there is a not so slight possibility of losing if you do not evade lasers and missiles.
It's weird for me to love a game with such little story as this one, but the sheer fun of it makes me love it.
If you can, give it a chance.

Felt like a fever dream mix of Hololive Advent and Miniclip.
It's a collection of games based around each one of the talents and while Biboo's and Nerissa's are ok, Shiori's and Fuwamoco's were really good, I had a lot of fun with the Fuwamoco runner.
Then again, unlike other fan games there is not really anything to strive towards if not to get a better score each time.
Realistically it's a 2.5 but I'll give it a three because the VTuber rabbit hole is consuming my soul

It's a cute and fun game, but unfortunately not my type of platformer.
The style and art direction is superb and the control scheme is actually pretty interesting, but it's not so much how well you can adapt to a level as much as how much of the level you actually remember; it's more based on you getting to know the layer of the level.
It's fun tho