I really wanted to like this game, I love the story, the world and visuals of Xenoblade, but the gameplay is really one of the biggest things that put me off about this game.

If you can hunt down this version of the game you are honestly playing the best version of the Political Machine. This is the only game in which you have different scenarios you can play outside of the titular Presidential Election and I am not sure why they never added more onto that. I really enjoyed the campaigns that let you run for Supreme Ruler of an Alien world or President of all of Europe.

Yo I can make my ideal deck and not drop nearly $1k on it?

I have always wanted a Pirate themed MMO, and when Pirates Online went offline all those years ago, Sea of Thieves quickly filled that void in my life. I know it has been said before, but this game is not the game it was when it first launched, it is now a thriving world of adventure, no two play sessions have ever been the same, and have enjoyed every hour I have sunk into this game.

Patron is a pretty solid city builder that really improves on the formula that Banished started. I found myself losing a lot of time in this game and will be looking into the other maps to try out different kinds of runs. My only gripe is that the mid game of your civilization is a bit of a drag versus the start and end game.

The Civ VI we have today is honestly my ideal Civilization game, currently my go to game to play with friends.

Really good game with a lot of great writing, but can get very overwhelming at times, specially when you add the DLC into the mix.

A lot of great ideas that plague the game with some creep issues. You get to a point where you have total control over everything and then you hit a "now what?" issue. The tutorial is also needlessly long and bothersome.

Rune Factory 4 for the longest time was my favorite game in the series before Rune Factory 5 came along, and even then it sits just right behind it. While a lot of the gameplay may feel a bit dated to some, this adventure is truly an amazing one worth going through. It finally refines a lot of the gameplay issues the first three games had then ups everything to an 11. I really enjoyed the setting, gameplay and characters of this game a lot.

Definitely the strongest of the DS Rune Factory titles. A lot of gameplay improvements, and a great selection of villagers to befriend. My only real issue with this is I felt like the story was incredibly short, another entry that I think would do well if remade.

The definition of two steps forward, three steps backwards. Rune Factory 2 on paper improves a lot of the issues with the first game while creating a ton more in the process...thankfully the series only goes up from here.

Extremely dated, but for the first game in the series it does set up a nice formula to be improved upon. It would be nice to get a proper remake of this.

Probably the best Story of Seasons game to date, I enjoyed a lot of the characters, the gameplay and the overall story and setting, which is usually lacking in a Bokujo title. The only shame is that its still locked to the 3DS.

I made a mad dash to the Steam Refund form.