This is a step in the right direction from The Light of Hope, but God, these games are all so tiresome.

Harvest Moon One World is a farming game with a world that is too big to justify itself. I stopped after five hours as the core farming loop just wasn't fun.

To quote a butchered version of Kamen Rider Kuuga's opening.


I unironically had some enjoyment from this game. While it did feel a tad bit soulless at times, this game was probably Natsume's best offering to compete with the mainline Story of Seasons series after losing the IP. I'm not sure why the didn't build off this foundation, but I can say if you have to play any of the Natsume Harvest Moon games this is probably the best one.

This is the nightmare that started it all, it feels like some sort of Minecraft tech demo that they would quickly abandon after the second game.

Now this, this is kino. Trails in the Sky 3rd Chapter to me is just a grand crescendo and a fantastic send off for the Trails in the Sky trilogy. It not only sets up a great deal of stuff for the Crossbell arc and Erebonia Saga (and probably Calvard too) it introduces one of the best JRPG protagonists of all time.

This game also serves as a nice "send off" for everyone in Sky too as this game takes in an epilogue state for most of the big players from the Sky trilogy. I really did enjoy the supernatural aspect this story had going for it as well and was gripped to the very end.

The music in this game is also some of my favorite in the entire series as well. Just pump Overdose on Heavenly Bliss right into my veins. The music goes a long way in setting up such a fantastic atmosphere that I just can't get enough of it.

Overall Trails in the Sky 3rd is definitely one of my favorite games in this series, but the gameplay style change may not be for everyone. But it was a nice reprieve for me going from Sky into Crossbell.

Easily one of my favorite JRPGs of all time, Trails in the Sky FC is the snowball gaining momentum, with SC being the snowball going down hill picking up speed.

The drama in this game is really good, and I love all of the characters that are set up in this game. This game is a massive payoff after playing through FC. More people need to play through the Sky games.

Trails in the Sky FC is the definition of a snowball game, once things get rolling it really doesn't stop. However, it doesn't help that the actual snowballing doesn't happen until you reach the final hour of the game and want to jump right into Second Chapter.

This game does a good job of setting up the world in which the next 12+ games will be taking places in and it got me really invested in a lot of things, but it is a really really slow burn. This is probably one of the few games in the series that I find hard to actually go back and replay. While I do appreciate everything the game did, it really does become an acquired taste. Don't get me wrong, this is still a really good JRPG in its own right, you just have to get through a lot of the build up to be rewarded with the true fruit of the game.

I will say though that this game is very cozy, and will give you a lot of warm feelings throughout the whole adventure, and there is a lot of merit into that on why I do enjoy this game a lot.

One of the best JRPGs I have ever played, it adds so much to the base Persona 5 experience, and improves on the story in numerous ways. The entire 3rd Semester of the game has some of the best writing in a JRPG I've played and loved all of the new characters.

For a Kamen Rider video game...this is surprisingly really good? Like I feel like the ground work was there for a truly amazing game. If anything this goes to show that a Yakuza type Kamen Rider game would go a long way for some people.

Probably my favorite anime adaptation of a game that I've played. Yakuza and HNK mixes together much better than I thought it would.

Even with the PC version fixing everything, and it being an alright game, it misses a lot of charm of other Story of Seasons titles and feels like a massive step backwards compared to Trio of Towns.

Zaros save me, I have over 10,000 hours logged into this game.

Exploring the world and filling out the map was fun...everything else not so much.

Probably my favorite game in the series, would give this a higher score if there was a PC version that fixed a lot of the issues on Switch.