As a huge fan of roguelikes and of God of War Ragnarok this was pretty much a dream come true for me and it did not disappoint. Definitely not as much depth as something like Hades but for a free update this absolutely slaps. Cannot recommend enough for anyone who beat the main game.

This is a solid game, and it's a shame the reboot trilogy ended on such a whimper after a strong start like this. My favorite part will always be the optional side tombs and collectable treasures, but the cinematic action and third person combat are well executed as well.

This is a really engaging little thriller, and the writing is truly exceptional. Unfortunately, the game's search engine mechanic, which is basically the only way the player can interact with the story, can be awfully finicky sometimes, and the limited pool of results it offers for each search can sometimes make it difficult for players to find extremely important video clips, even if they can all but guarantee that those clips contain the word they're searching for.

This is a once in a lifetime game. There's nothing else I can say that hasn't been said a million times already.

This game could never be the masterpiece CDPR promised, and they should not be let off the hook for their deception. As it stands now, though, Cyberpunk 2077 is a solid open world RPG with some excellent character work and genuinely top-notch sidequests. The main storyline was a bit hard to follow at times, but it delivered some excellent emotional beats. Under normal circumstances, this would be a hard game not to recommend.

This is an excellent iteration on the base Cuphead experience. The boss design, challenge, and creativity has all been cranked to 11, and while a few of the optional challenge fights lean on some weak gimmicks, they're not enough to outweigh what is otherwise a phenomenal experience.

This game gave me a headache. I heartily recommend it.

This is the game that made me fall in love with roguelikes, and while I've since played many much better titles in the genre, there will always be a very special place in my heart for Rogue Legacy.

Celeste made me fall in love with 2D platformers all over again. This is an absolutely splendid game. The art style, the music, the theme, the heart, and the tight, fluid, incredibly engaging gameplay makes this game an absolute must-play.

A solid action-adventure game with a well-realized central premise and an excellently spooky atmosphere. It's held back by a few sporadic difficulty spikes, especially in the special episodes, but on the whole this is a fun time.

Like the rest of Supergiant's library, this is a really beautiful game with a phenomenal soundtrack. I had a few struggles with the combat system when compared to more straightforward SG games like Hades and Bastion, but this game's artistry cannot be denied.

This was a really gorgeous game. The atmosphere is perfect and the art style is simply stunning. Hyper Light Drifter would be excellent even if the combat wasn't great, but the combat is absolutely immaculate and the bosses are all spectacular, cinematic, and engaging. The only real complaint I have is that there isn't more of it and with that in mind I'm very much looking forward to the sequel.

This is a hollow echo of Broforce that does everything the main game does just a little bit worse. Still, it's hard to argue with the price if all you want is more Broforce.

I absolutely adore this game. The level and world design is beautiful, the story is surprisingly twisted (in true Kirby fashion) and the gameplay is very deep. Customizable copy abilities are a godsend for this franchise and I want to see them in the next Kirby game. The only real complaint I have is that I played this one mostly co-op, and my player 2 noted that a lot of the levels were not designed to give Waddle Dee much to do. So overall I very strongly recommend it but I do regretfully recommend it as a primarily singleplayer experience.

This was an intense rhythm game and also one of the most effective pieces of cosmic horror I've experienced in a while, which I was not expecting. It's super tough but it's absolutely worth it.