What hasn't been said about this game? It's easily one of the best titles for the 3DS, and I really hope this game gets ported to the Switch, or whatever the next Nintendo System is.
The character writing is superb, even the minor characters who appear for 1-2 chapters are still really fun. I really love Viridi, Dark Pit, and ESPECIALLY Hades, but that's obviously. Boss fights are absolute fun, stages are all unique, and I love the flying sections so much. The weapons are really fun, and being able to create stronger weapons gives me the urge to play more, and try to get the best weapon possible. I played primarily on low difficulty, but I definitely wanna try on higher ones.
I can't see any sequel being able to live up on this game, this game is one of the few titles I can think of that are perfect through and through.

I really wanna like this game, y'know. I swear, I do. The actual main levels of the game are really fun. The stealth is fun, and I like how aside from bosses, everything is one hit away from death, including you.
But what really brings it down for me is just how insufferable I found the minigames. I found them all really tedious, and for some reason annoyingly difficult. Those racing minigames especially were some of the worst. And while I wouldn't complain if they were optional, but they're not, and you have to do them to beat the game. There's also just a large amount of them, typically each world has at least 2 Minigame stages. And its like, if these minigames just weren't there, this easily could've been a 4 Star game, no doubt about it. Cause as I said prior, the game is really good, and it's really only the minigames that bring it down for me.

Super fun and super charming.
It's a simple platformer, but I'm not bothered by that. It's oozing with charm, from the spritework, to the 3D Models, and especially due to the characters oftentimes looking like puppets. I honestly forget the DS can do 3D a lot of the times, but I just absolutely love how Starfy does it here, but maybe it's cause I was playing with 3X Resolution, who knows. The transformations you can get are really fun, and how Starfy typically moves really adds to things. I was able to beat it in a single sitting, but I skipped out on a lot of the side content.
The game never really challenged me anywhere, which may dissuade someone from playing it but hey, sometimes I want a somewhat easy game. The bosses were really fun though, especially some of the later ones. Definitely worth a try!

This is probably my favorite Mario game.
I didn't 100% the game, I got like, 90 stars, but I'm really happy with that. The game felt absolutely great to play. I loved the bosses, and all felt really fun. The new power-ups were really fun, I especially love Bee Mario. I loved checking out all of the galaxies, and there were fun challenges that I just really enjoyed. And god, the final boss was amazing. I had the game when I was a kid but never got far into it, so I'm glad I finally got around to playing through it in full.

I feel super conflicted. A majority of this game felt great, and I did enjoy playing it for nearly the entire time I did. But at the same time, I could never get fully used to the controls, which is why I rate it as low as it did. It might just be a lack of skill, but the controls made parts of the game feel more frustrating than it should have been. My thumb was always exhausted by how much I had to spin the right joystick.
Did I have fun? Yeah definitely. But it felt frustrating at times because of the controls.