This game is absolutely amazing.
The gameplay is far different than anything from a typical FPS, and I absolutely loved it. Sure, I had to get used to it at first, but the more I understood of how it was meant to be played, the more I loved it. I love going around locations, and solving puzzles. The game is oozing with so much style it's absolutely amazing.
I love the boss fights especially, the fact that they're far from the typical boss fight, but more thematic to the greater whole of Killer7 is amazing, and I wish more games did something of similar effect.
The story as well is one of, if not the best part of the game. It easily has some of the most thought provoking, theme rich, complex stories of any game that I have played, and I love it. Even though I think I have a good understanding of what this game's themes are, the fact that there's still stuff that I'm trying to wrap my head around is magnificent, and its rare for a game to really do that.
This game is without a doubt absolutely amazing. I've been meaning to play more of Suda51's work, as the only other game I've played of his is No More Heroes 1, and this game has motivated me to get to the rest sooner.

Just. Oh my god... I love this game.
When I first saw this game announced, I was both excited. I didn't have my expectations that high, as I really just wanted more Octopath. The first game was flawed, but I still absolutely loved it. But this game. This game blew my expectations right out of the water.
The stories to me were more engaging, and I immediately fell in love with characters like Partitio and Temenos. And while I was never bothered by the individual stories being separate in the first game, I'm so happy that they allowed characters to better interact with each other in this game. It added so much to the character dynamics of the cast.
The changes to each job were amazing as well. Somehow this game did what the first Octopath couldn't, which is make me enjoy playing as the Apothecary and the Thief. It also added some changes to Dancer, Warrior, and Huntress which makes me enjoy those classes even more than I already did. I love both the EX Skills and Latent Abilities, I may not have used the latter as much, but it ensures that each character properly feels unique in their own rights. There's so much customization options in this game that I probably didn't find the best ones, but the builds I made for each character were my own, and I'm so happy a game really allowed me to build characters to fit a specific archetype, but in the way I wanted as well.
The setting of Solistia is amazing, and I loved exploring it. I love how it isn't one big continent, and instead its separated into three smaller continents is amazing. And god, the HD2D continues to improve. I've always loved the HD2D style, and seeing it improve from Octopath 1, to LIVEALIVE, now to Octopath 2 is absolutely breathtaking.
And how can I forget the music? Octopath 1 already has one of my favorite OSTs of any game, and Octopath 2 might just beat it for me. I swear any time that first boss theme started playing, "Critical Clash II" I think it's called, I couldn't help but take a moment just to jam.
It's just absolutely absurd though that Octopath 2 took everything that was an issue in the first game, and just absolutely fixed it. From the lack of intertwining stories, to the over-necessity of grinding. In fact, I probably over-grinding because I assumed it was like the first one.
I'm sorry for typing so long, but as it stands from both how much I typed, and my obvious review score. This is just one of my favorite games of just... ever.

This game isn't really one that's meant to be beat, but I've probably logged somewhere between 20-25 hours in this game now, so i think it's reasonable I give a review now.
This game is just an absolute relaxing time, being able to create fun little miis, and watch the hijinks that they come up with. It's just an all around pleasant time.
There's so much to do on the island, I've played Quirky Questions and Judgement Bay so many times, sometimes just doodling or making absolutely stupid questions, regardless of if the questions were actually interesting or not. It's just such a pleasant time.
The only reason I give this is a 4 and not a full 5 is cause i think since I've been used to the Switch Miitopia's Mii Maker, going back to this game felt like it had such a limited Mii Maker in comparison. i really hope this game gets a remaster with it though, as if it had that same level of customization with making miis, this would've been an easy 5 star for sure.

I want to like this game. There's a lot in the game I really do enjoy. Marina is a fun character, and I really like the idea of a moveset focused on grabbing and shaking enemies is really fun, and for a lot of the game, it was.
I really like how the game looks, the blend of 2D sprites and 3D environments has always been one of my favorites. And the music was both fun and pretty unique from the games I've played.
Though I think I have two specific problems that kept me from enjoying the game. For one, I think the game constantly disoriented me. Multiple moments in the game had a constantly shifting aspect ratio, and one specific level made me start feeling nauseous. The other major issue I had were the bosses, my inability to read their patterns or dodge their actions made the bosses feel more annoying that challenging. Sure, maybe I'm just not good at the game which is probably the case, but that doesn't stop me from being annoyed, y'know?
There's a lot that I do enjoy in this game, but those certain aspects made the game a lot more dreadful of an experience. Though maybe I should've taken a break instead of playing the entire game in a single sitting.

I was so ready for this game to disappoint me. Seeing that first trailer for the game back when it was announced scared me. I had assumed I would not like the game based on that trailer alone. However, now finally having finished it, I actually really enjoyed the game.
If you're expecting another Three Houses, this isn't that. This is a cheesy and goofy game, one that oftentimes doesn't take itself seriously. Sure, not everyone would find that appealing, but I'm not one of those people, and I really enjoyed the silliness of this game.
The gameplay is easily the best part though. The Engage mechanic worked surprisingly well, not really breaking the balance of the game all that much. The Break mechanic was something I had to get used to first, but I really loved it at the end of the game. And all of the maps too were really fun, especially the further I got in, the more interesting and varied the maps became.
The story I was always assuming was going to be filled with twists and turns. But there barely were any, and in retrospect I'm actually glad about that. I'm so used to stories having constant plot twists and surprise reveals, that when a story comes in and barely has that, it's quite refreshing honestly.
So yeah, this game obviously isn't going to be for everyone, and that's fine. But I really enjoyed this game, and I'm glad I played it through to the end.

This game was not made for me.
Sonic Generations is a celebration of the legacy of Sonic the Hedgehog up to the point of the game's release. This is a game meant for those who have fond nostalgia for the series, and I don't have that. I didn't grow up with Sonic as a kid, and I really only started playing Sonic games about a year or two ago, so I lack the nostalgia that this game is meant to appeal to.
Don't worry though, as you can see from my rating, I still really liked the game. The game is really fun to play, I liked nearly all of the stages, though a couple of the late-game stages were not that great. Even though I could never get a full grasp on the controls, controlling both Modern and Classic sonic were really fun, and the speed felt really satisfying. I like the Rival Battles, and most of the bosses were good too. And I mean, I really like the idea of combining stages from previous sonic games, even if that doesn't have the same impact to me as it does to others.
I played with mods on my first ever time playing, and though I suppose for some that would be a bad thing, I think it made me enjoy it more. It was funny seeing a photo-realistic Cirno Fumo going through Crisis City.
So while I did really enjoy this game, and I think the game in and of itself is great, I also recognize this game is also just not targeted towards me in particular.

One of the first reviews I saw of this game said something like "it takes a while to get going, but when it does it REALLY gets going", and I couldn't agree more.
Early on in the game, I nearly gave up on it because I got wrecked by a singular boss, and with how slow grinding was early on, I really didn't want to do it. But after a break from the game, I went back to it, grinded a bit, and beat that boss, and my drive to beat this game came back. I'm so glad it did.
The game's combat is both really fun, but at some points rather repetitive. However when fighting a boss, it's super fun, since you have to react to unique abilities each boss has, and adjust accordingly.
But this game's biggest strength is absolutely its story. I love the world-building of this game, and how a lot of the parts of this game's world isn't directly explained, and you learn a lot as you go along. It allows for a lot of intrigue, and it makes me really want to play the other games in the trilogy to understand more of what exactly is going on. The characters really grew on me, and by the end of the game, I loved the entire main cast. And there's a whole lot of philosophical ideas placed here, and allows you to start thinking about ideas of consciousness, and what makes humanity "human" and stuff. But it's crazy that this is just the first part of an entire trilogy, and I've heard the third game is the best. I can't wait to get there.
But to judge the first part of this trilogy, I find this game to be absolutely great, with both its story and its characters to be some of the best I've seen in a JRPG. It certainly has a few flaws, but now that I'm fully through with it, I absolutely loved this game.

Having now played through the GBA trilogy of Castlevania games, I can say with utmost confidence that this one is my favorite. It's not my favorite Castlevania title overall, but it's a tossup between 2nd and 3rd place for me.
The gameplay in this game is absolutely great, the abilities all felt nice to really maneuver with. Having a large assortment of weapons was also really nice, and I really enjoyed experimenting with ones that seemed like they could be fun to try out. Navigating through the castle was fun, and like always it feels rewarding to find secrets, or check back on areas I've been before.
The Soul Set system is easily one of my favorite parts of the game, though at the same time it's rarely necessary outside of exploration. Even with the little use I got from it, I still like how ridiculously customizable it is, and how it can create so many unique options for me.
I found it personally a tad bit easy, but hey, just because a game is easy doesn't make it bad. One boss in particular did really annoy me though.
Regardless though, this is a great Castlevania title, and though it's not my favorite, if you're looking to get into Castlevania as a series, I'd probably suggest this game to be the starting off point.

This was one of the first games I had ever played as a kid, and I absolutely struggled with it back then, now probably like 15-16 years after I first ever tried to play it, I finally came back to do what child me could not.
And, honestly I really enjoyed the game. I like how FLUDD works, and a lot of the levels were fun to do. I noticed I had a lot of difficulty in the beginning as I was trying to figure out Mario's movement, but once I figured it out, the levels became a lot easier. Though even then, I feel like some levels were rather annoying. The casino one especially, sometimes the panels seemed to just behave incorrectly for some unknown reason. But the water and paint mechanics aside from a select few levels are really fun, and it might just be the powerwash fan in me, but I love being able to clean away all of the paint off of things.
Though the one thing I can say for certain is that there is no way I'll ever willingly 100% this game. If I tried to, I can predict that I would hate this game, and I don't want to hate it.
Even through the frustrations I had with it, I'm glad I finally got around to fully beating this game though. It was long overdue.

This was another game I really wanted to play as a kid, and now I've finally gotten around to it. And I gotta say, what a wonderful game.
It's got a great art style and it feels unique in the pantheon of kirby games. The levels are fun, and I like all the copy abilities they have in this one, though at the same time it's surprised which ones that I thought were classic were nowhere to be seen. I really enjoyed the animal companions, though I prefer some over others. And while I enjoyed most of the puzzles to get the hearts, some felt more tedious, and the mini-games were sometimes more annoying than they should've. That aside though, the bosses were really fun, especially the final boss. I really need to play more Kirby games, I've enjoyed the all so far.

I'm so glad I remembered this game.
I knew of this game as a kid, I watched some youtuber play it, but I can't find who it was. I had always wanted to play it, but never got a chance to. Only a couple days ago, I remembered this game existed, and immediately went to play it.
And my god, was this game amazing. The combat is amazing, I love how fast paced it is, and being able to do crazy combos was absolutely thrilling. The bosses are really fun too, I was a bit worried that they would be tedious due to what seemed to be massive health bars, but honestly I never really noticed it that much.
This game also has a surprising amount of postgame content too, and I bet the postgame took up a 1/3 of my total playtime, and honestly they felt pretty worth it.
The sword-forging could be a little annoying when you're low on souls or spirit, but I really love it too, I love being able to make progress enough to craft a stronger sword, and at some point I eventually started to strategize which swords to get sooner rather than later.
I have to heavily emphasize the absolute greatness that is the art. Each environment is absolutely beautiful, and sometimes I just stood around, taking in the scenery. And I love how the monsters are designed too, they have a unique style I rarely see in other games. The music as well is great, and adds so much to the game as well.
I really hope this game gets a port or remaster at some point, it's well deserving of it, and I definitely think this game is very worth playing.

I should've gotten to this game sooner.
It took me forever to actually get around to this game because I was just always scared by the 30-day time limit, but if I had known that it wouldn't be that big of an issue, I would've played this years ago.
This game is absolutely adorable, I love just the general character design, especially the basic bulborbs, I've always really loved those creatures. The pikmin are definitely beloved for a reason.
The game controls great, the puzzles are fun, and I really like how each level really allows you to see each ability a pikmin can do. I was able to beat it in a single sitting, 100%'ing the game in the process, so I can definitely say without a shadow of a doubt that you should give this game a chance, if you're reading this review.
The only real annoyance I found was the game's final boss, though if I'm correct, you don't actually need to do the final boss to beat the game, just to 100% it, so as you can see from my rating, it barely makes a dent.
I really adore this game.

What hasn't been said about this game? It's easily one of the best titles for the 3DS, and I really hope this game gets ported to the Switch, or whatever the next Nintendo System is.
The character writing is superb, even the minor characters who appear for 1-2 chapters are still really fun. I really love Viridi, Dark Pit, and ESPECIALLY Hades, but that's obviously. Boss fights are absolute fun, stages are all unique, and I love the flying sections so much. The weapons are really fun, and being able to create stronger weapons gives me the urge to play more, and try to get the best weapon possible. I played primarily on low difficulty, but I definitely wanna try on higher ones.
I can't see any sequel being able to live up on this game, this game is one of the few titles I can think of that are perfect through and through.

I really wanna like this game, y'know. I swear, I do. The actual main levels of the game are really fun. The stealth is fun, and I like how aside from bosses, everything is one hit away from death, including you.
But what really brings it down for me is just how insufferable I found the minigames. I found them all really tedious, and for some reason annoyingly difficult. Those racing minigames especially were some of the worst. And while I wouldn't complain if they were optional, but they're not, and you have to do them to beat the game. There's also just a large amount of them, typically each world has at least 2 Minigame stages. And its like, if these minigames just weren't there, this easily could've been a 4 Star game, no doubt about it. Cause as I said prior, the game is really good, and it's really only the minigames that bring it down for me.

Super fun and super charming.
It's a simple platformer, but I'm not bothered by that. It's oozing with charm, from the spritework, to the 3D Models, and especially due to the characters oftentimes looking like puppets. I honestly forget the DS can do 3D a lot of the times, but I just absolutely love how Starfy does it here, but maybe it's cause I was playing with 3X Resolution, who knows. The transformations you can get are really fun, and how Starfy typically moves really adds to things. I was able to beat it in a single sitting, but I skipped out on a lot of the side content.
The game never really challenged me anywhere, which may dissuade someone from playing it but hey, sometimes I want a somewhat easy game. The bosses were really fun though, especially some of the later ones. Definitely worth a try!