Log Status






Time Played

138h 5m

Days in Journal

21 days

Last played

December 25, 2020

First played

November 10, 2020

Platforms Played


This game is wholesome 100 and has a fantastic cast that you get to see built up over the course of the game, similar to other RPG's. The story was engaging and ichi is a lovely protagonist that fits the series wonderfully, and though i have some gripes with twists later on in the story, it manages to have that yakuza charm nonetheless. The side content was a mixed bag, with most of the minigames being lacking and not very in depth for the amount of time the game expects you to play them, but with some charming substories and a great party system that has you consistently interact with your group through general interactions as you explore the world. The new combat is a breath of fresh air, and while i think it's severely lacking in variety or in encouraging the player to think, it is a fine ground level i hope to see the sequel expand upon. Most bosses aren't too engaging except for a handful of great fights, but general enemy variety is great and has a silly side to it. When I say this game is carried by its charm, I mean it.