If you're wondering if this game is good, yes.
Absolutely yes. I've bought it on every platform I own and oh boy... this has to be the best game I've ever played in my life until now, I've beaten the base game in UN, both DLCs in UN, master levels, you name it. Imagine if God made "air 2", it would be Doom Eternal. unlike Doom 2016, the enemied are based on the classic games, so are the weapons, forcing you to play with almost every weapon and weapon modifiers, its challenging to the average gamer, you need to keep moving and managing your ammo and watching out for a deadly strikw upon you, when you THINK you got it, there comed one particular enemy that forces you to play on their pace, not yours, THE MARAUDER, see, the marauder gets most people mad at first cuz he forces you to do things at his will, not yours, not a big deal if you are a true slayer though, the game is an absolute masterpiece and IMO everyone should try it!


This was my first contact with the Doom series and let's say it was indeed a good experience, from the beginning to the end, you can't stop moving, Why is that? Fireballs, bullets and being swarmed by enemies. you need to keep moving and using your guns to survive, the reboot on the series is really good, the antagonist makes you feel anger until the point you can indeed kill it, the easter eggs brought a smile on my father's face as he recognized the classic textures from old levels... this is an almost flawless masterpiece, only to be beaten by its sucessor

I wish the game was a bit shorter, it gets boring over time

Ok, first of all, never let child play this game.
The first time I ever saw Postal 2 I was shocked but curious, it didn't took that long until I got it installed. Let's talk about gameplay, keep in mind the game came out in 2003, Postal 2 as the devs states, is as violent as you are, you can finish the game without killing anyone... or you can go full mayhem on anything that dares to move. The history actually has some humor to it... a very dark... disturbing... atmosphere, everything goes down on the course of five days...

It used to be fun when the devs actually did stuff and cared about the community, nowdays... not that much...

I never really finished it but my Supra was cool

Oh boy I remember the PS2 times when I was so obsessed with Transformers... For me this game brings me so many memories of me discovering how to use the shield, learning shortcuts, at the time we weren't able to get a newer console so while all my friends were playing other games in Xbox 360, there I was, playing this game until 2012... As much as I like this game, however, there are some flaws, like the rushed history, the lack of playable characters, history gaps, it would be a 5 if they took the time to polish up things...

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This was the first game I ever played in my life when I was about 6 years old, I vividly remember first time I beat Final Bowser and how I was so happy, this game brings me joy and memories from the past, the music, the ambient, everything cheers me up in this game.